BUIP103: (passed) Let'sBuildBCH! @ Satoshi's Coffee-house - Conference


New Member
Apr 13, 2018
BUIP103: Let’s Build BCH! Hackathon @ Satoshi’s Coffee-house

Submitted by: Will C. (Bitcoin Cash Association Mod)
Submitted on: 21 September 2018
edit Sponsored by Andrew Clifford


This BUIP is requesting approval for operational funds from the Bitcoin Unlimited (BU) membership to allocate $60,000 of BU funds to sponsor a new conference brand: “Satoshi’s Coffee-house”

The Bitcoin Cash ecosphere has added developers and projects at an aggressive pace. The motivation of "Satoshi's Coffee-house" is to facilitate maintaining that growth and assist in its acceleration, in order to, bring more financial freedom to the world.

The planning and consultation of the conference will continue with the "Bitcoin Cash Association" and the ABC team to provide the best possible experience. While proceeding with the ongoing negotiations with Bitcoin.com, Cointext, and Bitmain. We will seek additional sponsors and professional organizers to assist with planning and running the conference.

Location and Date:

Proposed location: Las Vegas NV, USA

Proposed date: 16-17 February 2019

*subject to change if deemed necessary by conference organizers.


The purpose of the conference is to provide a platform for developers to interact, discuss, network, and present their ongoing or upcoming projects with the Bitcoin Cash community within the North American region. The Hackathon also intends to bring new developers into the ecosystem and challenge existing ones. Hackathons foster creativity, problem-solving and new ideas, which, may bring new tools into the ecosystem and increase Bitcoin Cash adoption.

Goals for the conference include:

1. To bring members of the multiple open-source implementations to the North American region to present their code, projects, or relevant topic with the community.

2. To provide a platform for developers of current projects, released or in-development, to present their upcoming features, plans, use cases, code, and engage with the community.

3. To support new developers by leveraging a hackathon with the Bitcoin.com and Bitmain team running for 1 month remotely. This format could be a differentiator from other hackathons that go for a weekend because there is only so much quality that a team can produce in a couple of days. A segment of the conference will be dedicated to the hackathon participants.

4. Attendance will be targeted to be around 450 attendees. The duration of the conference will be 2 days and planned to be at the Venetian in Las Vegas.

5. The intent is to provide high-quality video recordings and live-streaming of the Event.

6. There will be an open “call for proposals” for presentations. The conference will do its best to make the program be inclusive and representative of various groups in the Bitcoin Cash community.

7. Funding to pay expenses for keynote speakers/attendees. Partial expenses may be offered on a case-by-case basis.

The “Satoshi Vision Conference” in Tokyo generated enthusiasm in the Bitcoin Cash community. The goal of “Let’s Build BCH!” is to keep that momentum in motion by supporting BCH developers. A hackathon will highlight the community’s fortitude and dedication to the long-term growth of the ecosystem despite a bear market. The support and interaction with developers will signal that adoption is of the utmost importance to Bitcoin Cash's users.
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Staff member
Aug 22, 2015
A motivating BUIP @Wecx!
As you are a non-BU member the BUIP needs a sponsor, and as discussed, I am fine to sponsor it, so it can proceed for BU membership vote, and have added my name to the BUIP. For the avoidance of doubt, my sponsoring of BUIP103 just gets it to be votable.

I do recommend preparing a conference website, as presumably this will go ahead eventually, with or without BU funds for conference sponsorship. Also, a short bio from yourself would aid the membership decision.


New Member
Apr 13, 2018
Thank you!

I started researching the blocksize debate after the May 2017 NY Agreement. I found my way into Bitsko's slack. (Thanks Bitsko!). After thoroughly testing ideas from all sides I found the small blocker argument extremely wanting and I consider myself a 'big blocker' now. I started home mining in my attic and now I am a shareholder in a small operation. I also consider myself an Ancap.

I am currently married and a stay at home dad. I have had some private sector jobs in banking and insurance. I also run a local BCH meetup with a friend of mine. I learned a little HTML and C++ as a teenager, but that was a long time ago, so I am trying to focus my energies on adoption where I feel I can be more useful. I have been working on this conference idea for a little over 3 months now. The release of BITBOX was a huge inspiration for this event.

I talked with Josh Ellithorpe about potentially working with me to prepare a website and he was open to it tentatively. There are still some details to be worked out.

Any further questions are welcome.
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Staff member
Aug 22, 2015
Good to know. Further, can you advise who is on the conference committee and also managing its finances, especially, owning the multi-sig where BU would send its sponsorship funds, if this BUIP is passed by the members.


New Member
Apr 13, 2018
I have a telegram group with the ABC team. I also am working with the Paul and Forrest of the BCA. Shammah from ABC will multi-sig with me and a third will be the Bitcoin Cash Assocation Paul/Forrest.
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New Member
Apr 13, 2018
I run the meetup in Seattle with my friend Dave. We recently posted fliers in the libraries of Seattle and some local coffeeshops, but didn't get the response we wanted for our potluck which was our last event. Some signs were made up with a voicemail that we hope to set up, and we are looking at starting a non-profit like coins for clothes for Seattle. We have our own paper wallet generator if anybody in the Seatac Area wants to use it. It creates a cool invitation to the meetup. https://www.meetup.com/Emerald-City-Bitcoin-Cash-Meetup/
https://www.dropbox.com/s/e54l21qo48l8g3c/seatac (1).html?dl=0
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Aug 17, 2016
@freetrader @Wecx I intend to write a longer response to this at the weekend to outline our involvement in more detail, but for now to quickly clarify:
Yes, this is absolutely true. We have been in discussions with Will for a month or so and we will be putting our full support behind this conference. We will also be putting roughly $40,000 towards it ourselves and providing all required logistical and marketing support to make sure this is one of the best BCH conferences yet.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
What about branding it BU's Satoshi's Vision Brand if BU is going to be the majority sponsor by and kick this into gear.

Something like:

Satoshi's Vision
Coffee-house Hackathon

I'd also like to see the myriad of startups who sell coffee for Bitcoin be featured as the official suppliers of coffee.

Put it in your face: You can but coffee with Bitcoin BCH after all!


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
a new conference brand: “Satoshi’s Coffee-house”
My vote was conditional on this.

Not in favor of renaming to "Satoshi's Vision" - a brand which I see as sadly co-opted and being trashed by CoinGeek / nChain.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Brands are about reputation, they belong to whoever builds the reputation.

@freetrader in respect to your comment Bitcoin SV is not being co-opted and trashed by CoinGeek / nChain. The brand being abandoned by people like you.

We can concede the Satosi's Vision BU brand we've built to Bitcoin SV, or we can build a better brand and own and direct Satoshi's Vision, by setting an agenda and building reputation.

Bitcoin SV will be disadvantaged and would hate having their brand backing ideas they oppose.

One needs to compete to keep and build a reputation not give up. BU's Satosi's Vision brand has that reputation and history. I think you are being irrational when trashing the Bitcoin SV client and deliberately sabotaging the positive BU Satoshi Vision Brand.
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Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
You're trying to change the BUIP after it's been voted on, @AdrianX .

It's a fact that CoinGeek / nChain have started using the 'Satoshi Vision' mark which was originally used by the BU-sponsored conference as a name for their "Bitcoin SV" client [1]. The mark is sufficiently close to "Satoshi's Vision" to cause confusion. They were certainly aware of the use of it before by BU and others organizing those conferences. I see it as a deliberate action on their part to ride on the name recognition of the existing brand.

I do think it is better to concede it as at least nChain are a company based mostly around IP law exploitation. I'm sure they would just love a target to sic their lawyers on. They've repeatedly made such noises on Twitter on the patent front - I have NO reason to think they wouldn't try it on any other front.

I think you are being irrational when trashing the Bitcoin SV client and deliberately sabotaging the positive BU Satoshi Vision Brand.
I don't see anything positive about the Bitcoin SV client. Maybe I need to look harder. Their devs announced it should be released by October 15. Their github has been dormant for the last 3 weeks. [2]

Even you confuse "Satoshi Vision" and "Satoshi's Vision". I guess it re-inforces my point.

[1] https://nchain.com/en/blog/bitcoin-sv-launch/
[2] https://github.com/bitcoin-sv/bitcoin-sv
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New Member
Apr 13, 2018
Thanks for your input, Adrian. The conference being branded under Satoshi's Vision has been discussed at length already a couple months ago. In the end, Satoshi's Coffee-house is going to be its own brand and have a different flavor. You can trust in good faith that all options were explored by the relevant parties... Also, something like that was planned for coffee vendors. If you'd like to help me compile a list of every coffee-vendor that actually would be helpful.

Peter R

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
You've got a big job ahead of yourself @Wecx. I hope you find lots of support to make this event a success. Best of luck!
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New Member
Apr 13, 2018
Thanks, Peter, you are not exaggerating. I'm extremely grateful for the vote of confidence afforded to this project by the Bitcoin Unlimited organization. The gravity of the responsibility and trust that has been extended is not lost on me.
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