Block 458,063 as mined by and accepted by the network signaled for both Bitcoin Unlimited and Segregated Witness. As these two technological developments are not mutually exclusive, it behooves the Bitcoin community to explore this option and for Bitcoin Unlimited to provide a leadership role. This BUIP proposes a development path to resolve Bitcoin community questions as to the event of a hard fork by setting the overall objective of bringing Bitcoin Unlimited in line with the protocol as developed by Bitcoin Core.
1. Integrate all outstanding BIPs as implemented in the Bitcoin Core protocol as of version 0.14.0.
2. End fear, uncertainty, and doubt in regard to a potential hard fork of the Bitcoin network.
3. Demonstrate that Bitcoin development is truly an open source, decentralized, collaborative effort.
Potential Issues
This BUIP would suggest inclusion of "replace by fee," so deprecation of BUIP004 will be required. With the technological improvements offered by bringing Bitcoin Unlimited development in line with approved and active BIPs as of the Core client version 0.14.0, "replace by fee" becomes irrelevant so a path for deprecation of that feature becomes possible.
This BUIP would replace efforts on BUIP037 and BUIP045.
Backward Compatibility
A thorough examination must be conducted to verify complete backward compatibility with the existing Bitcoin Unlimited protocol implementation.
This deployment requires a series of soft forks which must be analyzed and addressed.
Fall Back
As deployment is a series of soft forks to activate each requisite update, the fall back path may be equally incremental and particular to each soft fork.
Block 458,063 as mined by and accepted by the network signaled for both Bitcoin Unlimited and Segregated Witness. As these two technological developments are not mutually exclusive, it behooves the Bitcoin community to explore this option and for Bitcoin Unlimited to provide a leadership role. This BUIP proposes a development path to resolve Bitcoin community questions as to the event of a hard fork by setting the overall objective of bringing Bitcoin Unlimited in line with the protocol as developed by Bitcoin Core.
1. Integrate all outstanding BIPs as implemented in the Bitcoin Core protocol as of version 0.14.0.
2. End fear, uncertainty, and doubt in regard to a potential hard fork of the Bitcoin network.
3. Demonstrate that Bitcoin development is truly an open source, decentralized, collaborative effort.
Potential Issues
This BUIP would suggest inclusion of "replace by fee," so deprecation of BUIP004 will be required. With the technological improvements offered by bringing Bitcoin Unlimited development in line with approved and active BIPs as of the Core client version 0.14.0, "replace by fee" becomes irrelevant so a path for deprecation of that feature becomes possible.
This BUIP would replace efforts on BUIP037 and BUIP045.
Backward Compatibility
A thorough examination must be conducted to verify complete backward compatibility with the existing Bitcoin Unlimited protocol implementation.
This deployment requires a series of soft forks which must be analyzed and addressed.
Fall Back
As deployment is a series of soft forks to activate each requisite update, the fall back path may be equally incremental and particular to each soft fork.