
Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
For any BUIP which the intent of which is to remove a member, this BUIP would serve to automatically have a vote for the member proposing the removal's removal.

Example: I manually made a BUIP to remove im_uname after he/she proposed a buip to remove norway. If this BUIP were voted in, a BUIP would have been automatically created to vote for the removal of im_uname.

on this second purge attempt of norway, freetrader proposed a removal buip. so, if the BUIP i'm proposing here was active, there would be a buip automatically generated for the removal of freetrader.

Let us look for a moment at the voting results of imunames stalinist purge attempt:

This is showing the final vote result on BUIP with file name BUIP122_Remove_Norway_from_membership.pdf.

(Further details here)

  • Vote accepted: NO
  • Number of ballots cast: 25
  • Quorum reached: yes
  • Number of ACCEPT votes: 3
  • Number of REJECT votes: 16
  • Number of ABSTAIN votes: 6
  • Number of SPOILED votes: 0

and let us look at the vote purge I proposed to remove the vote-purger:

This is showing the final vote result on BUIP with file name BUIP123_Remove_imaginary_username_from_membership.pdf.

(Further details here)

  • Vote accepted: NO
  • Number of ballots cast: 28
  • Quorum reached: yes
  • Number of ACCEPT votes: 8
  • Number of REJECT votes: 15
  • Number of ABSTAIN votes: 5
  • Number of SPOILED votes: 0

These results evince that more BU members are sick of im_uname's bullshit than are interesting in playing soviet and disappearing Norway.

So every time a leftist nut tries a purge I would like automatic vote on whether they are to be purged.

If this BUIP were voted in, then on next vote round there would be the vote purge buip for freetrader, and in the future vote purges, the reactive purge would be in the same voting round.

Thank you.
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Active Member
Aug 31, 2015

'First they came for Norway, but you were not Norway, so you voted abstain. Then they came for Norway...'


Staff member
Aug 22, 2015
This BUIP is proposing a change to the BUIP process itself, therefore it is proposing a change to the Articles of Federation. It would need to be proposed in a format like BUIP116.

We have had several of these in the past, but none have come close to the 75% quorum, let alone the 66% majority required. For better or worse we are pretty much stuck with Articles as they are.

This document can be modified via a greater than 66% majority vote on a BUIP with at least 75% of the members voting.
We would all prefer that BUIP125 did not have to exist, but the cause is what is quoted in its OP. They are reason, and in my opinion, so disappointing and unnecessary in the first place.
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