BU Membership resignations


Staff member
Aug 22, 2015
Bitcoin Unlimited welcomes new members and we hope that they will stay the course to see Bitcoin reach its full potential as a global peer-to-peer currency usable by as many people as possible, in line with Satoshi's original white-paper and vision.

We also rank highly freedom of choice, and members always have the choice to leave. No reason needs to be given and no judgment of such a decision needs to be made.
Hence, this thread is simply to collate resignations from the membership for the historical record.


Staff member
Aug 22, 2015
Resignation accepted from @Rhett Creighton
Why I’m Leaving Bitcoin Unlimited
A few weeks ago, I joined Bitcoin Unlimited. It is now clear that the real issue never was big blocks or small blocks. The real issue all along was ASICBOOST. I now believe it is highly probable that a minority fraction of Bitcoin miners have held a secret 20–30% advantage. With that advantage, a rational miner would want to halt any technical progress in Bitcoin and keep the status quo as long as possible.

I believe Bitcoin Unlimited was likely set up not to succeed, but simply to block any other progress from happening with Bitcoin.