Blockchain for dummies and techies - #SundayInterview


Sep 27, 2017
Hyperledger has recently launched its first free Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on It’s called Blockchain for Business: An Introduction to Hyperledger. The free, self-paced online course is offered through, the nonprofit online learning platform founded in 2012 by Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). How can it benefit your blockchain knowledge? We’re talking to Tracy Kuhrt, who is the Hyperledger Community Architect in our’s #SundayInterview.

How does the course work? Is it fully automated and you can adjust the pace to your own needs or is there some human interaction involved like tutoring and such?

Tracy Kuhrt: The course is self-paced so you can take it in your spare time, at whatever pace you are comfortable with. You can skip ahead if you already are familiar with topics in a chapter, or go back to review something you need a refresher on. There are online forums available to ask questions which are monitored by the course instructors and other experts when a student gets stuck.

Full interview on