Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Belarus 10 october


Jun 18, 2018
Digital policy, blockchain, and cryptocurrencies: Minsk to host second Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Belarus
On October 10, Minsk will host Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Belarus, an event dedicated to blockchain and cryptocurrencies. It will bring together reputed industry experts, blockchain enthusiasts, startupers, and entrepreneurs on a single platform.

The event will take place for the second time. The first conference was attended by more than 400 people, and speakers included experts from five countries.

Due to the decree “On the Development of Digital Economy”, the state has legalized the cryptocurrency turnover based on the Hi-Tech Park since March 28. Prime Minister of Belarus Andrei Kobyakov states that if this experience succeeds, such a practice will be applied nationwide.

According to the new legislation, Belarus does not refer mining to entrepreneurial activity and does not impose taxes on it up to January 1, 2023. Besides, the country provides affordable electricity, which makes it one of the most favorable for cryptocurrency mining.

The state pays great attention to the development of the IT sector: the Government has approved the digital banking development strategy for 2016–2020. Moreover, members of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus say that information technology in 2018 should become the main driver of the economy development. Currently, the Government is aimed at creating as favorable conditions as possible for the activity of IT companies within the country. Participants of Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Belarus will discuss the possibility of implementing such a plan and the existing prerequisites for this.

Key topics of the conference
Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Belarus will primarily focus on the legal issue:

· results of the first six months of the decree “On the Development of Digital Economy”;

· features of Belarus jurisdiction for blockchain solutions, mining, and investment in cryptocurrencies;

· legislative changes and policy on foreign IT companies.

The program will include presentations dedicated to blockchain solutions and smart contracts: from their application areas to the development of decentralized apps and platforms.

In addition, speakers will talk about cryptocurrencies: they will examine trends in the crypto market and tokenization, as well as share their predictions.

ICOs will be also mentioned: experts will discuss industry news, trends, and prospects of ICO campaigns in Belarus.

The conference will feature panel discussions involving specialists from various countries and professional sectors.
Everything for networking
By the way, the event will offer an exhibition area. It will present stands of companies selling mining equipment, developers of blockchain-based software, and providers of related services.

Attendees of Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Belarus will be able to realize the operational concept of certain products by obtaining advice of company representatives. If a solution is appropriate for your business, you can immediately agree on the cooperation.

Venue and organizers
The conference in Minsk is a part of the international series of Blockchain & Bitcoin Conferences organized by Smile-Expo.

In 2018, the series will consist of 25 events, 17 of which have been already held in Australia, Finland, Israel, Philippines, and other countries. The nearest ones will be in France, Sweden, and Switzerland.

Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Belarus will take place at DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, a fashionable hotel near the historical center of the city.

The conference program is developed. Details are available on the website of Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Belarus


Jun 18, 2018
Cryptocurrency taxation in Belarus: development of digital technologies in the country?

On March 28, 2018, the Decree On the digital economy development came into effect in Belarus. It is a presidential decree on improving the conditions for the development of high technology. One of the provisions of the act is the creation of a basis for cryptocurrency turnover and the development of blockchain projects. Let’s figure out how digital assets are currently regulated and what steps are being taken to develop blockchain in Belarus.

What are the new government's cryptocurrency innovations?
According to the resolution, until January 1, 2023, private investors have the right to carry out any transactions with tokens and are exempt from taxes.

The same rules are applied to companies that are residents of the High Technology Park (HTP). They will not be affected by VAT, taxes on profits from mining, creation and purchase of tokens.

As for non-HTP firms, they are exempt from income tax in two cases. The tax is not paid when companies issue their own tokens or exchange them for each other. However, when exchanging digital assets for fiat money, the tax must be paid.

Companies are also exempted from VAT if they purchase goods and services to carry out transactions with tokens. Thus, the purchase of computer equipment for issuing cryptocurrencies is not subject to VAT.

HTP Regulations on crypto exchanges
Until the end of the summer of 2018, Minsk HTP plans to issue its own rules that regulate the work of cryptocurrency exchanges and companies. The document is aimed at supplementing the provisions of the previously issued decree and at defining clear standards for the blockchain companies’ operation.

Currently, it is said that token will not be a security, and mining is not an entrepreneurial activity. The size of the authorized capital of crypto platforms is also determined: the amount must be at least $500 thousand.

HTP also plans to discuss the requirements for the operation of cryptocurrency companies and its regulation.

Expert opinion

According to representatives of Sysuyev, Bondar, Khraputsky law firm Alexander Bondar (partner) and Vitaly Tvardovsky (lawyer), to develop HTP as a special economic zone, it is very important to ensure admission of companies that plan to perform cryptocurrency transactions and organize ICO.

In their opinion, blockchain technologies have been used for a long time to solve a variety of tasks, and the ability to carry out cryptocurrency activities within the HTP will make the Park more attractive and increase the amount of deductions for its administration.

Experts believe that the development of HTP will be affected by the number of resident companies and the volume of transactions with tokens, carried out for other organizations. However, it is still difficult to assess the interest of Belarusian companies and large market players in the Park: much will depend on the requirements to them and their customers.

However, it can already be said that the adoption of the Decree No. 8 defined Belarus as a place where it is possible to create startups and transfer the operating part of the business.

In the opinion of Alexander and Vitaly, when the Decree No. 8 was adopted, the atmosphere for the blockchain industry became favorable primarily for individuals and residents of Belarus who dealt with mining or invested in cryptocurrency.

However, experts believe that it is too early to talk about completely friendly atmosphere for everyone: the Decree only outlined the main directions of activity, without affecting specific requirements to the development companies.

In their opinion, to estimate the impact of the Decree No. 8 on the cryptocurrency environment in Belarus, it is necessary to wait until blockchain companies begin to implement the first projects within the HTP.

However, Alexander and Vitaly are sure that regardless of the law enforcement practice, blockchain technologies in Belarus are becoming more in demand.

On October 10, Alexander Bondar will take part in a panel discussion as part of Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Belarus. The speaker will discuss cryptocurrency regulation in Belarus and talk in detail about the taxation of blockchain projects in the country.



Jun 18, 2018
Dmitry Machikhin, Partner at GMT Legal, to talk about legal strategy for ICO
The times of uncontrolled ICO, as lawyers say ‘Wild West of token sales’, are receding into the past. Today, it is especially important to pay attention to legal aspects of ICO. Dmitry Machikhin, Partner at GMT Legal, will tell how to build correct strategy within Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Belarus.

Dmitry was graduated from the Russian University of Friendship of Peoples, having obtained the specialty of an international lawyer and translator. Then he graduated from the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Jurisprudence under the Government of the Russian Federation. Since 2016, he has been a Partner at GMT Legal; previously, he worked as a lawyer at large international companies. Since 2014, Dmitry has been immersed in decentralized technologies: he advises blockchain startups, publishes articles on cryptocurrencies and blockchain in media. The total capitalization of projects, where Dmitry was an advisor, exceeds $100 million.

The topic of the expert's report at Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Belarus is ‘Legal strategy for ICO’. The main theses of the report:

  • why legal aspects shouldn’t be neglected when preparing for ICO;
  • what details must be taken into account before carrying out tokensales;
  • how to choose the investor;
  • how to determine the sum to be collected during ICO;
  • how to choose jurisdiction for ICO;
  • beneficiaries of the project.
Visit the speaker's report, and you will successfully bypass all the pitfalls when carrying out your tokensale. Get a wealth of knowledge necessary for successful investment in blockchain projects.

Registration ►►►



Jun 18, 2018
What issues will experts address at the panel discussion ‘Attracting investments in the market of blockchain technologies’?

Belarus-based startups can attract investments through various ways – ICO, crowdfunding, crowdinvesting, crowdlanding or even traditional venture capital. During the panel discussion of the specialized conference, experts will feature pros and cons of the abovementioned methods.

Topic of the discussion – ‘Attracting investments in the market of blockchain technologies of the Republic of Belarus’. Aspects to be covered by the participants:

  • current state of the ICO universe;
  • how to use traditional venture capital for blockchain startups funding;
  • efficiency of financing tools: crowdfunding, crowdinvesting, and crowdlanding;
  • how to use roadshow, airdrop, and marketing for fundraising;
  • the nature of token listing on an exchange: prospective tool or poison pill?

The panel discussion will be moderated by Anton Kulichkin. He is an investor, Member of the Association of Belarusian Business Angels Angels Band, Member of the Board of Experts of the Technologies of Distributed Registers Association, a mentor, and a lecturer at Imaguru Blockchain School.

Participants of the panel discussion:

  • Nadezhda Surova – Member of the Council on Digital Economy and Blockchain Technology under the State Duma. She is also Director of the Institute of Management and Social-Economical Designing of FSBEI of Higher Education ‘the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics’.
  • Valentina Drofa – CEO at Drofa Communications Agency and ICOPR Agency. She is also Member of Advisory Council on Consumer Protection of the CIS countries. In 2012, Valentina became the Best Entrepreneur according to the jury of the contest Young Millionaires 2012. In 2017, she was included in the list of the most influential women of Saint Petersburg according to the newspaper Delovoy Peterburg.
  • Alexander Bespalov – CEO at BeEasy blockchain ecosystem and the international group of companies Cryptocompany. Alexander is Member of the Expert Council for Digital Economy and Blockchain of the National Duma of the Russian Federation, Board Member of the National Blockchain Association.
  • Vadim Nareyko – CEO and Co-Founder at BountyGuru and Managing Partner at Encata. He is responsible for the development process in the sphere of blockchain and machine learning. Member of the Association of Belarusian Business Angels Angels Band.
To hear expert opinions and ask questions, register to Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Belarus scheduled for October 10 at DoubleTree by Hilton.


Jun 18, 2018
Why is a bug in bitcoin code dangerous? How to travel all around the globe for one BTC? Week’s digest

Bitcoin holders received a new version of Bitcoin Core wallet with updated functions. Meanwhile, developers of cryptocurrencies based on BTC blockchain should be careful: fraudsters use an inflationary bug for coin issuance to its fullest. Read the weekly digest to find out more.

Belarus and Switzerland share experience
The Belarusian delegation chaired by Senator Mikhail Orda visited Switzerland with the aim of developing cooperation in the spheres related to digital technologies, particularly cryptocurrency market.

The Belarusian delegation visited Zug-based Crypto Valley, the Swiss AI Lab IDSIA, and the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre in Ticino. Vsevolod Yanchevsky, Director at Belarus Hi-Tech Park, also was a member of the Belarusian group that met FINMA managers and talked to Swiss businessmen.

As reported by Vsevolod Yanchevsky, the Swiss officials were impressed by a breakneck speed of high technologies in Belarus as well as sound legal actions towards cryptocurrencies the country undertakes.

Bitcoin Core is updated to 0.17.0 version
The development team headed by Wladimir van der Laan presented the seventeenth generation of software for bitcoin holders called Bitcoin Core 0.17.0. It took seven months to finish the project characterized by new functions and elimination of old bugs (at users’ request).

The latest version of Bitcoin Core offers an improved coin selection algorithm that optimizes certain transaction exits. The developers also removed restrictions on the creation of a new wallet: currently, it’s possible using any graphical interface.

What is more, the problem of HD and non-HD wallets doesn’t exist anymore in Bitcoin Core 0.17.0. Beside, Scantxoutset function is available here (permitting to easily check whether a new wallet stores money). The seventeenth software generation supports the framework of partially signed bitcoin transactions (PSBT) BIP 174 as well as allows an easier procedure of launching new nods.

Blockchain enthusiast traveled over 18 countries for one BTC
Rafael Hauxley traveled over 18 countries during a year and spent merely one bitcoin bought in August 2017. The crypto enthusiast was collecting information for a documentary dedicated to the DLT realm. While traveling, Rafael conducted 20 interviews about the bitcoin hype and met crypto community leaders, particularly Vitalik Buterin.

The total size of the gathered video material is 178 hours. The enthusiast is going to use it in a film about the cryptocurrency prospects. Rafael Hauxley expects blockchain adherers to allocate funds. The documentary will be dedicated to mining and bitcoin application in various countries.

Bitcoin bug is used to launch Pigeoncoin
An error in bitcoin code was successfully used in a blockchain of one of the least known digital currencies. An inflationary bug serving a gateway to produce the unlimited number of coins regardless of commission has been fixed in bitcoin. However, it continues existing within other related currencies.

Thus, the unknown fraudster managed to create 235 m spare Pigeoncoins with a total cap of $15 000. This sheds light on vulnerability of not only this cryptocurrency but bitcoin. Pigeoncoin trading was suspended for some time, and its developers immediately solved the problem by copying a new bitcoin code. In theory, attacks on other unpopular blockchain-based coins are possible.




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