I spent time this weekend working on my proposal (due tomorrow) for the Scaling Bitcoin conference in Hong Kong. The committee has asked for proposals that are 1 - 2 pages in length, so this is about as long as the proposal can be.
The Size of Blocks: Policy Tool or Emergent Phenomenon?
Abstract. This talk will explore the question of whether block size is a useful tool for enforcing policy or an emergent phenomenon of the network. From the policy-tool perspective, the block size represents a “lever” that policy makers might use to balance the cost of operating a node with the market price for block space (i.e., transaction fees). Assuming only that block space obeys the laws of supply and demand, we will show that for any given market condition, there exists an artificial block size limit that will produce greater network security and slower blockchain growth than the equivalent no-limit case, at the expense of higher transaction fees and reduced economic activity. Despite the flexibility offered by the policy-tool approach, we will show that little empirical evidence exists that the network is capable of enforcing a strict block size limit, questioning whether the policy-tool perspective is valid. We conclude by suggesting a simple change to the Bitcoin software to empower each node operator to more easily express his free choice regarding the size of blocks he is willing to accept while simultaneously ensuring that his node tracks consensus.
Key words: 1. Block size limit. 2. Consensus rules. 3. Rationalism. 4. Empiricism.
1. Introduction
I envision the block size debate as two groups standing on either side of a lever labeled “block size.” The group on the right is pulling the handle while yelling “lower fees and more economic activity!” The group on the left is pulling back shouting “lower node costs and higher security!” I will refer to both of these groups as the Rationalists. There is also a third group I call the Empiricists: this group is observing the debate, pondering whether the lever is actually connected to the network.
The talk I am proposing for Hong Kong has two purposes. The first is to view the block size limit from the perspective of the Rationalists and deduce how the position of the block-size lever affects the network. The second is to view the problem from the perspective of the Empiricists and, based only on what we have observed about the network, abduce the rules that the network obeys (including whether the network obeys a rule regarding the block size limit at all). The talk will conclude by showing that strict agreement on a block size limit is not required, and by suggesting a simple change to the Bitcoin software to promote scaling.
2. Quasi-static Variation of the Block Size
During this part of the talk, we will deduce how changes to the block size limit, Qmax, affect the behavior of the system, while holding all other variables constant, and assuming that the maximum size of blocks can be programmed. We will build off of the supply and demand curves presented by the author in his Montreal talk, and show that:
(1) Policy actions are only effective for Qmax < Q*, where Q* is the free market equilibrium block size.
(2) Network security is maximized for some Qmax | 0 < Qmax < Q* , resulting in greater network security than the no-limit case.
(3) The Blockchain’s growth rate increases monotonically as Qmax increases (for Qmax < Q*).
(4) The price per byte for block space decreases monotonically as Qmax increases (for Qmax < Q*).
(5) Total economic activity grows monotonically as Qmax increases (for Qmax < Q*), and is maximized for all Qmax >= Q* .
3. What Laws does the Network Obey Empirically?
In the previous section, we assumed that the network would obey the programmed rules and then we used deductive reasoning to study the effect of varying one of those rules (block size limit). In this segment of my talk, we will use empirical observations and abductive reasoning (assuming no a priori knowledge of the program code), to conclude that the network obeys the following rules:
(1) Coins cannot be moved without valid signatures.
(2) Coins cannot be spent twice.
(3) The rate at which new coins are created is strictly controlled.
(4) Nodes build upon the chain that contains the greatest cumulative work (referred to simply as the longest chain).
We will then look for empirical evidence of a block size limit. I will show that over the history of Bitcoin, the block size distribution has shown distinct “peaks” at certain block size extrema, but that these peaks have often collapsed as new peaks formed at greater block sizes. Without a priori knowledge of the program code, only sparse evidence for a block size limit exists.
Next, we will examine various emergent properties of the Bitcoin network including the market price of a bitcoin, the network hash rate, and Bitcoin’s adoption metrics. I will show that quantitative measures for each of these emergent phenomena are highly correlated with each other, and grow exponentially with time, albeit at different growth rates. I will then compare their growth patterns with the growth of the average block size, concluding that historically the block size has behaved very similarly (i.e., it behaves like an emergent phenomenon).
4. How Should the Decision Regarding Block Size Be Made?
In this final section, I will postulate two theorems:
(1) A node with a block size limit greater than the hash-power weighted median will always follow the longest chain.
(2) An excessive (e.g., greater than 1 MB) block will be accepted into the longest chain if it is smaller than the hash-power weighted median block size limit.
I will argue that it is more important that nodes follow the longest chain composed of valid transactions than dogmatically adhere to an arbitrary block size limit. I will end my talk by proposing a simple change to the bitcoin software to allow a node operator to express his free choice regarding the size of blocks he is willing to accept while simultaneously ensuring that his node tracks consensus (e.g., be "BIP101 ready").
The Size of Blocks: Policy Tool or Emergent Phenomenon?
Abstract. This talk will explore the question of whether block size is a useful tool for enforcing policy or an emergent phenomenon of the network. From the policy-tool perspective, the block size represents a “lever” that policy makers might use to balance the cost of operating a node with the market price for block space (i.e., transaction fees). Assuming only that block space obeys the laws of supply and demand, we will show that for any given market condition, there exists an artificial block size limit that will produce greater network security and slower blockchain growth than the equivalent no-limit case, at the expense of higher transaction fees and reduced economic activity. Despite the flexibility offered by the policy-tool approach, we will show that little empirical evidence exists that the network is capable of enforcing a strict block size limit, questioning whether the policy-tool perspective is valid. We conclude by suggesting a simple change to the Bitcoin software to empower each node operator to more easily express his free choice regarding the size of blocks he is willing to accept while simultaneously ensuring that his node tracks consensus.
Key words: 1. Block size limit. 2. Consensus rules. 3. Rationalism. 4. Empiricism.
1. Introduction
I envision the block size debate as two groups standing on either side of a lever labeled “block size.” The group on the right is pulling the handle while yelling “lower fees and more economic activity!” The group on the left is pulling back shouting “lower node costs and higher security!” I will refer to both of these groups as the Rationalists. There is also a third group I call the Empiricists: this group is observing the debate, pondering whether the lever is actually connected to the network.
The talk I am proposing for Hong Kong has two purposes. The first is to view the block size limit from the perspective of the Rationalists and deduce how the position of the block-size lever affects the network. The second is to view the problem from the perspective of the Empiricists and, based only on what we have observed about the network, abduce the rules that the network obeys (including whether the network obeys a rule regarding the block size limit at all). The talk will conclude by showing that strict agreement on a block size limit is not required, and by suggesting a simple change to the Bitcoin software to promote scaling.
2. Quasi-static Variation of the Block Size
During this part of the talk, we will deduce how changes to the block size limit, Qmax, affect the behavior of the system, while holding all other variables constant, and assuming that the maximum size of blocks can be programmed. We will build off of the supply and demand curves presented by the author in his Montreal talk, and show that:
(1) Policy actions are only effective for Qmax < Q*, where Q* is the free market equilibrium block size.
(2) Network security is maximized for some Qmax | 0 < Qmax < Q* , resulting in greater network security than the no-limit case.
(3) The Blockchain’s growth rate increases monotonically as Qmax increases (for Qmax < Q*).
(4) The price per byte for block space decreases monotonically as Qmax increases (for Qmax < Q*).
(5) Total economic activity grows monotonically as Qmax increases (for Qmax < Q*), and is maximized for all Qmax >= Q* .
3. What Laws does the Network Obey Empirically?
In the previous section, we assumed that the network would obey the programmed rules and then we used deductive reasoning to study the effect of varying one of those rules (block size limit). In this segment of my talk, we will use empirical observations and abductive reasoning (assuming no a priori knowledge of the program code), to conclude that the network obeys the following rules:
(1) Coins cannot be moved without valid signatures.
(2) Coins cannot be spent twice.
(3) The rate at which new coins are created is strictly controlled.
(4) Nodes build upon the chain that contains the greatest cumulative work (referred to simply as the longest chain).
We will then look for empirical evidence of a block size limit. I will show that over the history of Bitcoin, the block size distribution has shown distinct “peaks” at certain block size extrema, but that these peaks have often collapsed as new peaks formed at greater block sizes. Without a priori knowledge of the program code, only sparse evidence for a block size limit exists.
Next, we will examine various emergent properties of the Bitcoin network including the market price of a bitcoin, the network hash rate, and Bitcoin’s adoption metrics. I will show that quantitative measures for each of these emergent phenomena are highly correlated with each other, and grow exponentially with time, albeit at different growth rates. I will then compare their growth patterns with the growth of the average block size, concluding that historically the block size has behaved very similarly (i.e., it behaves like an emergent phenomenon).
4. How Should the Decision Regarding Block Size Be Made?
In this final section, I will postulate two theorems:
(1) A node with a block size limit greater than the hash-power weighted median will always follow the longest chain.
(2) An excessive (e.g., greater than 1 MB) block will be accepted into the longest chain if it is smaller than the hash-power weighted median block size limit.
I will argue that it is more important that nodes follow the longest chain composed of valid transactions than dogmatically adhere to an arbitrary block size limit. I will end my talk by proposing a simple change to the bitcoin software to allow a node operator to express his free choice regarding the size of blocks he is willing to accept while simultaneously ensuring that his node tracks consensus (e.g., be "BIP101 ready").
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