We’d like to invite you to join our new crypto-to-fiat exchange Bitlocus.com where we are now featuring:
About the company
"Bitlocus Ltd" is registered in the United Kingdom (registration number 11186273) and Information Commissioner's Office (registration number ZA427953).
Company’s owners and management team have years of experience in financial and internet project development as well as in sales, e-commerce, and marketing.
We are mainly focused on providing secure and compliant service with huge attention to our customers’ support.
Risk warning
Trading of goods, real or virtual, which include virtual currencies (Cryptocurrencies), involves a significant level of risk. Prices can fluctuate on any given day. Because of such price fluctuations, you may gain or lose the value of your assets at any moment. Currency may be subject to large swings in value and may even become worthless. You should carefully consider whether such trading is suitable for you in light of your circumstances and financial resources.
We’d like to invite you to join our new crypto-to-fiat exchange Bitlocus.com where we are now featuring:
- BTC/EUR and ETH/EUR markets. We will soon add a few ERC20 token pairs (Q3) as well as new coins and fiat currencies (Q3-Q4). Trading fees: 0.1%-0.2%.
- SEPA and SWIFT payments in EUR. Processed a few times a day.
- Automatic and continues identification process (available 24/7). Get your account ready to go in about 15 minutes.
- REST API for automated trading - https://api.bitlocus.com
- Special attention to customer service. We will be able to discuss most of the issues here on the forum, but user-specific issues like payments, identification, etc will only be solved via support tickets.
About the company
"Bitlocus Ltd" is registered in the United Kingdom (registration number 11186273) and Information Commissioner's Office (registration number ZA427953).
Company’s owners and management team have years of experience in financial and internet project development as well as in sales, e-commerce, and marketing.
We are mainly focused on providing secure and compliant service with huge attention to our customers’ support.
Risk warning
Trading of goods, real or virtual, which include virtual currencies (Cryptocurrencies), involves a significant level of risk. Prices can fluctuate on any given day. Because of such price fluctuations, you may gain or lose the value of your assets at any moment. Currency may be subject to large swings in value and may even become worthless. You should carefully consider whether such trading is suitable for you in light of your circumstances and financial resources.