I want the ability to donate to Bitcoin Unlimited.
However, there are potentially many aspects of which require funding at various frequencies and labor:
Amongst the initial members who are making contributions to Bitcoin Unlimited as a whole and in a variety of ways, but in order to avoid the problems of overhead and accounting, I think it would be awesome if key contributors had their own donor buttons/pages.
Vetting could be done on this forum to establish the roles people have committed themselves and the actual outcomes. All vetted parties get their names/donorbuttons/donor pages.
Potential donors could then see how popular each member is based on donations/contributions/feedback/activity/specialty. But then also see the big pictures. Perhaps @Peter R could program a nice graph for us.
I find that avoiding the pitfalls of a central financial agency like Bitcoin Foundation, and leading by example with completely individualized and decentralized funding of the uBitcoin implementation as a whole, to be a wonderful opportunity.
However, there are potentially many aspects of which require funding at various frequencies and labor:
- Development
- Individual Developers (think Andrew Stone et al - I'm sorry I am not familiar with our developers yet)
- Each dev might do different amounts of work as the project scales, e.g. commits, lead dev with less "contributions" versus coding devs with higher volume, etc.
- Research and Analysis (think Peter R)
- Individual Developers (think Andrew Stone et al - I'm sorry I am not familiar with our developers yet)
- Community Management (Bloomie on bitco.in, seweso et al on /r/bitcoin_unlimited)
- Branding and Marketing
- http://www.bitcoinunlimited.info/
- Lead Secretary (website maintenance?)
- Copywriting and content
- Structure
- Graphic Designers
- uBitcoin Wallet
- Graphic Designers
- Developers from above
- Copywriting and Content
- http://www.bitcoinunlimited.info/
Amongst the initial members who are making contributions to Bitcoin Unlimited as a whole and in a variety of ways, but in order to avoid the problems of overhead and accounting, I think it would be awesome if key contributors had their own donor buttons/pages.
Vetting could be done on this forum to establish the roles people have committed themselves and the actual outcomes. All vetted parties get their names/donorbuttons/donor pages.
Potential donors could then see how popular each member is based on donations/contributions/feedback/activity/specialty. But then also see the big pictures. Perhaps @Peter R could program a nice graph for us.
I find that avoiding the pitfalls of a central financial agency like Bitcoin Foundation, and leading by example with completely individualized and decentralized funding of the uBitcoin implementation as a whole, to be a wonderful opportunity.