I would like an independent and preferably Bitcoin experienced developer to look at the changes I've made for BU. You can find the diffs here: https://github.com/gandrewstone/BitcoinUnlimited/commits/0.11cfg_stats
But if you do not have time to pore through the complete diffs I would really like validation on the following items:
1. Version
I know that there's some kind of spat between different version formats; I don't want to have to dig thru all that to understand what version is the best compromise... I just want to make sure BU signals BIP101 large blocks.
In CBlockHeader, I am setting the version to:
static const int32_t CURRENT_VERSION=0x40000007;
This is supposed to indicate both BIP101 and BIP65 support. Did I get that right?
2. Replaying transactions during chain reorganizations.
I switched from testnet <1MB to testnet >1MB chains which was a 1000+ fork reorg. This took forever and I realised that much of the time was in the transaction validation. But I reasoned that it should be unnecessary to re-validate these transactions because they were validated when the block was originally accepted. So this is my change, but I am uncertain about including it because I am not familiar with this area of the code and it is likely that the testnet monster chain reorg will not happen on the mainnet:
step 1: add a flag to AcceptToMemoryPool to indicate that this is a replayed transaction
bool AcceptToMemoryPool(CTxMemPool& pool, CValidationState &state, const CTransaction &tx, bool fLimitFree,
- bool* pfMissingInputs, bool fRejectAbsurdFee)
+ bool* pfMissingInputs, bool fRejectAbsurdFee, bool thisIsReplayed)
step 2: skip some validation if the transaction was already in a block
step 3: In DisconnectTip, change AcceptToMemoryPool call to indicate that this is a txn replay:
if (tx.IsCoinBase() || !AcceptToMemoryPool(mempool, stateDummy, tx, false, NULL,false,true))
But if you do not have time to pore through the complete diffs I would really like validation on the following items:
1. Version
I know that there's some kind of spat between different version formats; I don't want to have to dig thru all that to understand what version is the best compromise... I just want to make sure BU signals BIP101 large blocks.
In CBlockHeader, I am setting the version to:
static const int32_t CURRENT_VERSION=0x40000007;
This is supposed to indicate both BIP101 and BIP65 support. Did I get that right?
2. Replaying transactions during chain reorganizations.
I switched from testnet <1MB to testnet >1MB chains which was a 1000+ fork reorg. This took forever and I realised that much of the time was in the transaction validation. But I reasoned that it should be unnecessary to re-validate these transactions because they were validated when the block was originally accepted. So this is my change, but I am uncertain about including it because I am not familiar with this area of the code and it is likely that the testnet monster chain reorg will not happen on the mainnet:
step 1: add a flag to AcceptToMemoryPool to indicate that this is a replayed transaction
bool AcceptToMemoryPool(CTxMemPool& pool, CValidationState &state, const CTransaction &tx, bool fLimitFree,
- bool* pfMissingInputs, bool fRejectAbsurdFee)
+ bool* pfMissingInputs, bool fRejectAbsurdFee, bool thisIsReplayed)
step 2: skip some validation if the transaction was already in a block
if (!thisIsReplayed) // BU: If this transaction is replayed (comes from a block we unwound) don't waste time reverifying it
// Continuously rate-limit free (really, very-low-fee) transactions
// This mitigates 'penny-flooding' -- sending thousands of free transactions just to
// be annoying or make others' transactions take longer to confirm.
if (fLimitFree && nFees < ::minRelayTxFee.GetFee(nSize))
static CCriticalSection csFreeLimiter;
static double dFreeCount;
static int64_t nLastTime;
int64_t nNow = GetTime();
// Use an exponentially decaying ~10-minute window:
dFreeCount *= pow(1.0 - 1.0/600.0, (double)(nNow - nLastTime));
nLastTime = nNow;
// -limitfreerelay unit is thousand-bytes-per-minute
// At default rate it would take over a month to fill 1GB
if (dFreeCount >= GetArg("-limitfreerelay", 15)*10*1000)
return state.DoS(0, error("AcceptToMemoryPool: free transaction rejected by rate limiter"),
REJECT_INSUFFICIENTFEE, "rate limited free transaction");
LogPrint("mempool", "Rate limit dFreeCount: %g => %g\n", dFreeCount, dFreeCount+nSize);
dFreeCount += nSize;
if (fRejectAbsurdFee && nFees > ::minRelayTxFee.GetFee(nSize) * 10000)
return error("AcceptToMemoryPool: absurdly high fees %s, %d > %d",
nFees, ::minRelayTxFee.GetFee(nSize) * 10000);
// Check against previous transactions
// This is done last to help prevent CPU exhaustion denial-of-service attacks.
if (!CheckInputs(tx, state, view, true, STANDARD_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS, true))
return error("AcceptToMemoryPool: ConnectInputs failed %s", hash.ToString());
// Check again against just the consensus-critical mandatory script
// verification flags, in case of bugs in the standard flags that cause
// transactions to pass as valid when they're actually invalid. For
// instance the STRICTENC flag was incorrectly allowing certain
// CHECKSIG NOT scripts to pass, even though they were invalid.
// There is a similar check in CreateNewBlock() to prevent creating
// invalid blocks, however allowing such transactions into the mempool
// can be exploited as a DoS attack.
if (!CheckInputs(tx, state, view, true, MANDATORY_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS, true))
return error("AcceptToMemoryPool: BUG! PLEASE REPORT THIS! ConnectInputs failed against MANDATORY but not STANDARD flags %s", hash.ToString());
if (tx.IsCoinBase() || !AcceptToMemoryPool(mempool, stateDummy, tx, false, NULL,false,true))