Bitcoin Scaling in Italy in October


New Member
Oct 12, 2017
A series of conferences began as an effort to better integrate and focus the bitcoin development community after serious technical discussions that will see one-third of 2016.

After two meetings in Montréal and Hong Kong last year, Scaling Bitcoin will host the next event in Milan, Italy, from October 8th to 9th, organizers announced this weekend.

Called "Scone Bitcoin 2016: Retarget," the name is a nod to a portion of the bitcoon mining process in which miners will adapt to new challenges.

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This name is apt as the accompanying message as the dialogue between members of the monetary ecosystem of digital appears increasingly tense. For example, bitcoin developers and miners, the two most active groups in the extended debate, are rumored to be meeting this month to continue the solution to enhance their ability to deliver. translation of bitcoin.

In the email, organizer Pindar Wong gave more details, including speakers and conference topics, to be announced in the coming weeks.