bitcoin in trouble..... be warned.


New Member
Dec 20, 2016
Hello, #1 the nsa can easily manipulate the value of bitcoin as they made sha-128, and have super computers that can out race the hash algarythoms.

#2 with a quantum computer, (if you don't know what they are here is a link )

it would be very fucking easy to solve mass amounts of chain blocks at a rate that the "currency" would lose all value, as either the system will crash, it would become unminable, or the owner of the quantum computer would earn so many bitcoins it would deflate the value to nothing.

bitcoin is only just fucking numbers anyway. a fucking primer to try and make people believe in a financial system that has no physical tender, so they can eliminate money to control and monitor everyone....... - check out this site, fuck the government.


New Member
Dec 20, 2016
I am glad you think this bullshit "slaveCOIN" is a conspiracy.

#1. Do you NOT believe the viceroy government can do anything they want to your little coins?

#2. Quantum computers are on the market. Los alamos just bought a d-wave quantum comp (mfg bunaby bc canada)

#3. The dink rasberry mining goof hardware make like max $5-$10 a month max? These quantum computers run at almost at absolute 0. The computer with 1's 0's and a value that is both 1 and 0 at the sametime.

If someone were serious of raping your coins, they would use a mass zombie computers mass service infrastructior fluctuation to rape all your bumholes and leave your computers working on "the answer of what true love is" with only the values of "your" and "mom" to work off into.


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
@rcmp, thanks for your concern, it's not as if the (future) quantum computer vulnerability has not been considered and discussed at length. short answer: when massive quantum computation comes online, it is not just bitcoin, but the entire communications, financial and military security infrastructure of the world that will be challenged. we shall be prepared - in particular, the cryptographic algorithms in the protocol will need to be updated. this is doable, and certainly will be taken care of.
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Active Member
Mar 29, 2016
D-Wave is not true quantum computing, it can't crack bitcoin, it's not really the same technology. I'll concede there is some overlap in the refrigeration technology, but that's about it.

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