Bitcoin Craziness: Bitcoin Price hits $6000 dollars


Sep 21, 2017
Bitrcoin price crossed the $6000 barrier around 3pm GMT after days of being traded between $5100 and $5930. At the moment Bitcoin is traded around $6000 and $5920.
In the last 24 hours, Bitcoin has had a trading volume of $2.2 billion dollars with a market capitalization stable around $94 billion dollars. The last time that Bitcoin surpassed its highest record was in October 13th when the price arrived at $5856 dollars.

Why did Bitcoin arrive at $6000 dollars?
During the last weeks we have seen Bitcoin price climbing to new high records. This situation is created by the fact that on October the 25th we will experience a new Bitcoin hard fork. Investors know that if they have Bitcoin, then, they will receive an exact amount of Bitcoin Gold coins.

Investors were moving their money to Bitcoin as the fork was getting near. Bitcoin lost part of the market capitalization that it had at the beginning of the year. Bitcoin had 87% share of the cryptocurrency market capitalization in January. It touched 37% of the market share in June and now, after the recovering, arrives at 56% of the market. At the same time, other cryptocurrencies are losing the share the had gained until June, shows


New Member
Oct 10, 2017
It was a 4 wave? I think that according to the Eliot wave theory we are going to have dropping of the Bitcoin soon.