BIP141 mnemonics


Jul 30, 2024
BIP141 (Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 141) is a technical improvement proposal put forward by the Bitcoin community, focusing on the introduction of Segregated Witness. The purpose of Segregated Witness is to separate the signature data of a transaction (i.e., witness data) from the rest of the transaction (i.e., input, output, and lock time), which helps improve the scalability and transaction efficiency of the Bitcoin blockchain. However, BIP141 has no direct connection with mnemonic phrases.

Mnemonic phrases are often associated with proposals such as BIP32 (Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets) and BIP39 (Mnemonic Code for Generating Deterministic Keys). BIP32 defines the standard for hierarchical deterministic wallets, allowing multiple child private keys and addresses to be derived from a master private key, while BIP39 defines a method for converting random numbers into an easy-to-remember sequence of words (i.e., mnemonic phrases) so that users can more easily back up and restore wallets.

The statement about BIP141 mnemonics may be a misunderstanding or confusion. In fact, BIP141 itself does not involve the generation or management of mnemonics. If you encounter problems with mnemonics when using a wallet that supports BIP141, it may be because the wallet also supports standards such as BIP32 and BIP39 and uses mnemonics as a way for users to backup and restore their wallets.

Therefore, when discussing BIP141 mnemonics, we are actually discussing how a wallet that supports BIP141 uses the BIP32 and BIP39 standards to generate and manage mnemonics. This generally means:

1. The wallet generates a random master private key (or seed).

2. This master private key is converted into a set of easy-to-remember mnemonics using the BIP39 standard.

3. The user can restore the wallet and access the Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies stored in it through this set of mnemonics.

It is important to note that there is no direct connection between BIP141 and mnemonics. BIP141 focuses on transaction formats and blockchain scalability, while mnemonics are part of the wallet backup and recovery mechanism. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a clear distinction when understanding and using these concepts.

Mnemonic generation tool