B2BX - The first cryptocurrency exchange-aggregator for institutional clients


New Member
Sep 23, 2017



We provide cryptocurrency liquidity for brokers, stock exchanges, hedge funds and other institutional clients.









Thus, B2BX will give advantages to both: financial institutions and retail customers. In particular, B2B customers will be provided with a depth of market for cryptocurrencies due to the fact that B2BX will unite brokers, exchanges and other financial institutions on one platform. In the same time, retail customers will have the opportunity to trade cryptocurrencies from any usual broker, stock exchange and exchanger.




Why is it interesting?

Traders are willing to trade cryptocurrency, however, brokers do not provide physical delivery, because of the law restrictions. There is only one solution left for traders – unregulated exchanges, which are not regulated by law, so, I think you understand that it does not inspire trust. In addition, there are not enough crypto-liquidity on the market, in that case, a broker has to collect liquidity from many different liquidity providers. For every liquidity provider, broker have to create agreement and send a deposit, which can be delayed for a month. Also, integration with liquidity platforms consists of technical difficulties, because each broker/exchange has its own systems and API. So, we have the solution of the above problems – B2BX.

What is the benefit for blockchain community?
Our mission is to provide brokers with a deep “Depth of the market” for crypto-currencies and create a rating system for institutional brokers on our website. With the help of our aggregator B2BX we have already aggregated 5 biggest cryptocurrency exchanges and now we are in the integration process of 2 more. B2BX will open cryptocurrency market for everyone and make sure that retail traders have a great experience in cryptocurrency trading from any brokers, exchanges, and exchangers. Transparency is the problem now and we want to solve it.

How are we going to do this?
We will make important steps towards development of our aggregator B2BX. First of all, it will be integrated with the largest trading platforms like MetaTrader4, MetaTrader5, PrimeXM Trader, FX Inside and C-Trader through gateways, bridges, and open APIs. Second, B2BX will be integrated with PrimeXM and OneZero aggregators, in order to aggregate and distribute crypto-currency liquidity through more than 1,000 Forex brokers. Third, we will use the largest ECN platform Integral to aggregate and distribute cryptocurrency liquidity through banks, hedge funds, and liquidity providers. B2BX will also be integrated with all remaining Prime brokers, liquidity providers, banks, hedge funds and top-end crypto liquidity exchanges to get the deepest depth of the market according to Coinmarketcap.

What do we need for our ICO?
B2Broker conducts the ICO through crowd funding process to provide B2BX with resources. Those resources will contribute to the development of the technical base of B2BX and will significantly increase the scale of the work with the cryptocurrency. With the help of ICO, we will:
- First, increase the speed of developing our own software.
- Second, B2Broker will connect the maximum number of exchanges to
the aggregator of crypto-currency liquidity.
- Third, we will obtain a Japanese license to provide crypto-currency
- The last but not least, we will increase the sales staff and create representative offices in the finances centers around the world.
The B2BX token will become a full-fledged participant of the crypto-exchanges with which B2Broker already operates.


Token name: B2BX
Blockchain platform: Ethereum
Token standard: ERC 20
Regulation: all unsold tokens will be destroyed according to the smart contract
Smart contract: opened, on the Etherium blockchain
Token rate: the price of one token is — 0.63 €
The minimum limit for buying tokens: 10
Maximum limit for the purchase of tokens: No


During the ICO campaign, 80% of the tokens will be distributed among the participants. We assume the growth of the token rate for the following reasons:
- After the ICO finish, the B2BX token will be freely traded on all crypto-exchanges that we create as part of the Crypto-exchange service on a turn-key basis (implemented for 5 clients already).
- After the ICO finish, the B2BX token will be traded through marginal liquidity from all brokers that receive B2BX liquidity through the FIX API protocol.
- After the ICO finish, the B2BX token will be traded on several major exchanges that are in the top 15 by the CoinMarketCap version.
- Liquidity on the B2BX token will be distributed through the main aggregators (Integral, Prime XM, oneZero).
- Some of the B2BX tokens distributed between the members of our team will not be available for trading in the secondary market within six months from the end of the ICO. Thus, we plan to cover the risk of falling of the value of the token.
- After the end of the ICO, it will be possible to buy our products and services by using B2BX tokens. Since their cost is fixed in a fiat currency, and we will accept B2BX tokens in exchange for these products/services at current cost, we see a potential opportunity for B2BX tokens holders to get more products and services due to the increase of price of the B2BX token.
- After the ICO has ended, the project team will consider the possibility of providing B2BX token holders with a priority status of service, in case if B2BX token holder chooses to use our services and products using B2BX tokens.


Our team consists of 35 highly qualified specialists. Together we speak 13 languages and are located in 3 different countries.




RUSLAN KHABIBULLIN, Head of Dealing Desk


PAVEL MANZHOSOV, Head of Legal Department




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New Member
Sep 23, 2017
Good Afternoon!

We would like to remind you that Pre-ICO B2BX finishes on 29 September 2017.

The B2Broker team has confirmed their consummate professionalism, having come ever closer to securing €1,000 000 of investments during the pre-ICO period.

Only 2 days have left for you to get extra 35% when buying our tokens. Once the ICO starts, the discount will be reduced to 15%. For those considering the opportunity the best time to make the decision is now! Our team will be pleased to answer all your questions via our Telegram-Chanel.
[doublepost=1506529311][/doublepost]In addition, on 29 September (19:00 MSK) we are making a live-stream via Facebook (at 21:00 in English). The stream will be led by Evgenyia Mikulyak, the COO of B2Broker. She is going to talk about the difference between the cryptocurrency exchange, the cryptocurrency broker, and the cryptocurrency exchanger. You will also have a great opportunity to ask her your questions about our B2BX project.

We remind you that the ICO starts on 2 October 2017.

Best regards, B2Broker team.


New Member
Sep 23, 2017
We have a big and very important announcement!
Many of you share the recommendations of interesting ICO projects with friends. We love these people!

Attention! From today we have available a referral program!

It's pretty simple, you are often met with such programs. Enough to have subscribers in social networks, or friends who trust your investment decisions. Just share with them the link and you will get an extra 5% from each referral transaction! Link available to you in https://ico.b2bx.pro/, there is a new section, turning in which you will get acquainted with all the details of program.
It's time to monetize your influence;)


New Member
Sep 23, 2017
⚡We have overcome the mark of 6.000.000 euros!
While your submissive SMM was asleep, investors were interested in the company and actively invested.
This is a very important mark!
We take part in many events, hold presentations and talk with the press. We try to be as transparent as possible, we put maximum effort, and we hope for a similar response from you!


New Member
Sep 23, 2017
B2Broker Integrates with Bancor to Maximize Liquidity of B2BX Tokens as Soon as Token Sale Concludes
Leading trading technology provider B2Broker utilizes Smart Token™ protocol to create stability for B2BX token

Moscow, Russia — 24 October, 2017 —  B2Broker, a leading trading technology provider who offers comprehensive solutions for brokerage companies, has joined an expanding group of projects to integrate the Bancor Protocol™, a Smart Token™ cryptocurrency standard to automate liquidity for B2BX tokens.
The protocol integration will enable the Bancor Network Token (BNT) to convert to B2BX tokens, and vice versa, instantly and continuously, according to a mathematical formula and directly through the smart contracts.
Bancor’s smart contracts utilize a connector token method which will allow B2BX tokens to automatically convert to BNT, ETH and any integrated token in this decentralized liquidity network, according to an open-source algorithmic price. These conversions take place directly between smart contracts, outside of exchanges. This integration will bring built in convertibility to B2BX tokens.
B2Broker CEO Artur Azizov commented: “The successful progress of our token sale leads us to the next phase of the project and ensuring the B2BX token benefits from the greatest blockchain technology advantages. We admire Bancor’s automated approach, and will implement the protocol as soon as the token sale is concluded.”
About Bancor:

Bancor Protocol™ is a standard for the creation of Smart Tokens™, cryptocurrencies with built-in convertibility directly through their smart contracts. Bancor utilizes an innovative token “Connector” method to enable formulaic price calculation and continuous liquidity for all compliant tokens, without needing to match two parties in an exchange. Smart Tokens™ interconnect to form token liquidity networks, allowing user-generated cryptocurrencies to thrive. For more information, visit the website and read the Bancor Protocol™ Whitepaper.

Bancor: https://www.bancor.network/
B2BX: https://www.b2bx.pro/


New Member
Sep 23, 2017
We have already contributed more than 6 750 000 euros! This is an impressive mark! Thank you! Together we will build the future of the cryptocurrency market!

And one more thing

B2BX is represented at the most important blockchain-conferences and profile events.

Firstly, this is a great opportunity to "look around" and learn about other projects, communicate with teams and find like-minded people.

Secondly, having told about our project and immediately received feedback, offers of partnership, we understand how important it is for the industry.

In the near future you can meet us at the following events, where we will tell you about ICO of B2BX:


Shenzhen International Financial Expo, November 5 - 7. (China / Shenzhen) http://www.financeshow.cn/

ICO conference Moscow, November 7. (Russia / Moscow) http://icoconf.io/

Asia Digital Asset & Blockchain Congress, November 9 - 11 (China / Shenzhen) http://www.ibdac.com.cn/en/

Blockchain for Wallstreet, November 14 (USA New York) http://www.blockchainforwallstreet.com/

London Financemagnates Summit, November 14 - 15 (United Kingdom / London) http://www.financemagnates.com/events/

Blockchain and Bitcoin conference Moscow, November 15 - 16 (Russia / Moscow) https://moscow.blockchainconf.world/

World Funding Summit, November 17 - 18 (USA Los Angeles)

FinTech World Forum, November 21 - 22 (UK / London) http://fintechconferences.com/

BlockShow Asia, November 29 - 30 (Singapore) http://blockshowasia.com/


Shanghai International Money Fair, December 1- 3 (China / Shanghai) http://www.moneyfair.org/

IFINEXPO, December 13 - 14 (China / Shenzhen) http://gz.ifinexpo.com/index.php

Come, meet, ask questions, join the ICO!

The B2Broker team.


New Member
Sep 23, 2017
Now it will be even more interesting!

More than 2500 contributors has already participated in our ICO. Thanks to you, the B2BX project received almost 7 million euros for development.

Since you are in the subject of ICO, you understand that the competition in the market is colossal. Hence the cost of marketing, which grows every week.

And we decided not to buy another banner, but just give a bonus to those who are already with us!

What is needed for this? To receive a bonus, you must participate in our referral program before the end of the ICO. It's simple - in your personal cabinet you already have a link that you can share on forums, on social networks or just send it in a personal message. If you would like to use a banner, please!

With every purchase by your referral link, you get 20% of the tokens. Support the project and make money on it!

We welcome honest ways to support our project so we prohibit the use of contextual advertising for branded queries (b2bx, b2bx ico, etc.).

And one more thing

It's too early to sum up, there is still a week to go before the end of ICO!

But let's talk a bit about the current situation.

Firstly, we collected 7 million euros for the development of the project. 2400 people helped us with this.

Secondly, 19 licensed broker companies and cryptocurrency exchanges have already become our clients: Awadh International, Ya Markets, Alpha Broker, MoneyPlant, Grand Capital, Tradesmarter Yoni, STForex, STPFX, Pruton Market company, ATIORA, Ester Holding, NextGen, Strato Forex , Lionheart Prime, FX PRO, Teknoloji Anonim Sirketi, ARVIS CAPITAL LIMITED, XM, BTC24. Thank you for your trust, you are already in the history of B2BX!

An aggregation with 4 stock exchanges was made: Kraken, Poloniex, Bittrex, xBTCe.

We would like to remind you that the «ICO rating» assigned our project a "stable +" rating. Cool, but we think that we deserve more :)

We applied for the first license (crypto-processing license, EMI). We prepare the documents for the Japanese JFSA license and the British FCA license. A lot of everything, but the team has experience.

For three months we performed at 50 profile events, 15 more in the plans for the coming months.

The team is more than 40 people. Programmers, lawyers, marketers, salesmen. Everyone is tired, but enthusiastic:)

Many ICO projects have already expressed their interest in our aggregator and want to list their tokens with us.

We made full integration with Prime XM, One Zero, Metatrader 5, Metatrader 4.

That's how the first provider of crypto-currency liquidity starts working before your eyes. Thank you for supporting B2BX!

ICO from the Real Business


New Member
Sep 23, 2017
Chinese fintech media jinsecaijing (金色财经) has published an article about B2BX as a follow-up to our Asia-Pacific representative Steve Chow’s speech at the blockchain summit in Shenzhen (9-10 November 2017).
In his speech ‘B2BX Aggregator of Cryptocurrency Liquidity Brings about Market Changes’ Mr. Chow explained the importance of B2BX. “The core of our business is to provide technologies and liquidity to brokerage and other financial firms worldwide”, he introduced B2Broker. Mr. Chow stressed that in 2015, B2Broker noticed that, although the cryptocurrency market is developing fast, it is still in short supply of such necessary components as regulation, liquidity and technological solutions.
Mr. Chow says, the B2BX programme B2Broker launched in 2016 is exactly aimed at solving this bundle of questions. There is clear evidence that there is great demand for cryptocurrency trading, and B2Broker is going to deliver supply. According to the latest report on the 50 largest brokers offering trading cryptocurrencies, 20 of them are B2broker clients. “Overall, the figure of 5% share of the trading market by 2020 our company aims to achieve does not seem unfeasible”, concluded Mr. Chow.


New Member
Sep 23, 2017


✅Wecollected 8,094,394 euros,and 3,743 peoplebecameourcontributors!






New Member
Sep 23, 2017
We are always glad to participate in any events dedicated to the topic of blockchain.

The 6th China Forex Expo will be taking place on the 8th and 9th of December 2017 at Great China International Exchange Square of Shenzhen.

The China Forex Expo is also a great opportunity for brokers from around the world to promote their online forex trading platforms and get direct access to the most exciting forex market here in China. And for us, this is an excellent opportunity to present the products of B2Broker and B2BX.

Exhibitions in China have a special energy! The rhythm with which our Chinese colleagues live is impressive. Therefore, we are pleased to announce that the B2BX booth is represented at the following events:

December, 1-3 - Shanghai International Money Fair / Shanghai, China. С37 - the number of our booth.

December, 13-14 - IFINEXPO / Shenzhen, China

Our managers Steve and Andros told visitors about ICO of B2BX and introduced B2Broker products.



New Member
Sep 23, 2017
The B2BX token was listed on the YoBit exchange!

YoBit is the largest exchange on which our tokens are listed today. This is an exchange with a daily trading volume of more than $75 million! We hope that our investors like the liquidity level, interface and stability of this trading platform.

Team В2BХ does not stop on what has been achieved and will continue to work hard!




New Member
Sep 23, 2017
B2Broker at the IFINEXPO! That's what our colleague Alex says:

«The exhibition is held with a demonstration of all B2Broker products. Great interest among visitors is caused by liquidity, including crypto-currency. We meet a lot of familiar people - participants of the ICO and colleagues from other projects.»


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