- Jan 26, 2018
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Geeks and fans worldwide have no universal service for bringin together and self-expression while the fan industry has no convenient tool to interact with its audience...
THEFANDOME is the one to rule them all!
THEFANDOME is the one to rule them all!

Aspiring to pleasure is a natural virtue of all people worldwide. Only the pleasure sources differ. Thus, any source, like fine food, get-together with friends, or looking after children can become a devotion or hobby. Otherwise speaking, every person has something he/she is ready to invest time, money, and passion in to get bright impressions.
The basic product of THEFANDOME project is a multi-functional online platform for fans, geeks, and commercial companies from the fan industry.
The product structure:
Website thefandome.com with UGC-focused functional.
Mobile app for iOS and Android.
Advertising contextual and mass media network for setup and control of marketing campaigns.
BigData (collection, processing, and analysis of big data) of user activity.
Objective, blockchain-based analyzer of statistic values of the project.
Internal cryptocurrency for the Portal users.
Audience structure

The platform will unite several diverse and interrelated categories of the target audience (their structures may intersect, as THEFANDOME users have the right to incur more than one functional role).
Enthusiastic people whose activity relates to gratuitous creation and consumption of specific content, communication with people sharing similar interests, and use of entertaining features.
Opinion leaders
Bloggers, vloggers, reviewers, cosplayers, community administrators, and other reputable representatives of the fan environment generating paid and conditionally free content for an interested audience.
Content providers
Mass media groups selling content directly or through opinion leaders and reputable fans.
Shops and workshops
Shops, distributors of merch, and crafters selling goods and services to the target audience through THEFANDOME.
Field-specific companies or structural divisions promoting brands among the target audience.
People from entertainment industry/celebrities
Designers, writers, actors, and other workers of the entertainment industry participating in generation of content, services, and goods for mass consumer, as well as people whose personalities or occupation can serve as a basis for specific fandoms.
The key objective of THEFANDOME product is successful development of ecosystem of fans and entertaining industry communities.
Our project provides the following opportunities with the help of the Website features:
Provision of a handy service for integration and interaction of fans from all over the world.
Development of original toolset for generation, consumption, and cataloging of subject-specific content.
Creation of conditions for focused targeting by interests, kinds of user activity, and expectations of the audience to ensure the ultimate efficiency of the advertising campaigns.
Product ecosystem
Three conditional units will be introduced within the scope of THEFANDOME for support of the system operation and achieving all goals of the project:

Fantoken - utility-token issued by smart contract of Ethereum system. The token includes 10 sublicense keys "to bearer", opening access to advanced business functionality of the site.
Fantoken properties:
Provides certain quantity of Fanbill at key activation one time.
Quantity of Fanbill at exchange depends on the Provision level (see below) at the moment of sublicense redemption.
Quantity of keys (fantokens) for activation owned by one user is unlimited.

Fanbill - derivative intersystem currency received exclusively by fantoken holders at activation of sublicense keys.
Fanbill properties:
Used only for access to business functionality.
Has no validity period.

Fancoin - cryptocurrency of THEFANDOME created for support of economic interaction between the Portal users.
Fancoin properties:
Independent decentralized cryptocurrency which is not controlled by the System. The Portal itself does not control the manufacture, but is a member of this economy.
Fancoin manufacture is carried out by mining.

Flow chart of token and coin ecosystem
To objectify the value of Fantoken in the project the quantity of Fanbill in Fantoken is not fixed, but calculated taking into account audience activity indexes, including both absolute and relative quality values:
Quantity o registered users.
Derivative MAU, WAU, DAU indexes.
Quantity of fandoms which have reached certain development stages (more than 1000 fans, more than 10 000 fans, more than 1 000 000 fans).
Audience quality.
Other derivative indexes.
The system of acknowledgement of indexes through blockchain database will be introduced to make statistics independent and objective. Distributed BigChainDB database will be applied for this purpose.
Crucial data for Objectivity calculation are transferred by the user to blockchain network for verification and record.
Cruical data include:
The fact of login and logout.
Period of time spent in the Networks.
Advertising campaign results and settings.
User quality indexes
Statistical data on quantity of fandoms, communities, and quantity of their followers.
The main objective of blockcahin system is to ensure stability, objectivity, and security of stored statistical data which cannot be influenced neither by the project team, nor the Token holder, for deliberate and unfair correction of Fantoken volume.
As soon as data caused by the user activity are recorded and checked, the session is verified and remains in the blockchain network.
Prediction of the advertising campaigns
At preparation of the advertising campaigns, it is essential to predict values of ROI, CPC, etc. indexes. As a rule, they are calculated on the basis of data from the previous marketing actions. Complex marketing measures complicate the forecasts.
Any commercial user will get an access to data of all advertising campaigns which have been ever carried out within the scope of the project and objectified through blockchain on the basis of THEFANDOME. The user will see a history of work with specific audience or its segment, quantity of clicks, views and opening of links, which not only facilitates estimation of the upcoming campaign efficiency but also makes it much more exact.
Objective support (FDTs)
Early purchase of the key guarantees a full range of services in the future.
Intersystem Fanbill currency uses a special formula for calculation of Fantoken sublicenses provision volume. The volume is recalculated daily at 00:00 on Pacific standard time and data for the formula are taken only from the blockchain network.
Formula for calculating the token provision volume:

where FDTs — provision level of Fantoken - Fanbill.
AAB (Active Advertising Bonus) - provision bonus essential indicators of which depend on the current activity of users on the site and in mobile apps.
PAB (Passive Advertising Bonus) - provision bonus reflecting the project value on the basis of BigData (quantity of users, information on them and their actions, data on advertising campaigns, and so on).
Base - fixed base rate.
APAQ (Average Profile Application Quality) - derivative quality indicator reflecting the level of profile filling (on the average on the Site), shown activity, and contribution of the user to fan statistics. See User quality for more details.
MRQ (Monthly Retention Quality,MALIUSRU) — shows the quantity of all registered users logged in the System within the last 30 days.
MAU (Monthly Active Users) - quantity of unique users who have visited THEFANDOME pages or used the Site app within the last 30 days.
WAU (Weekly Active Users) - quantity of unique users who have visited THEFANDOME pages or used the Site app within the last 7 days.
DAU (Daily Active Users) - quantity of unique users who have visited THEFANDOME pages or used the Site app within the last 24 hours.
MGAU (Monthly Guest Active Users) - quantity of unique users who have not logged in, but have visited the System website pages within the last 30 days.
MALIU (Monthly Active Logged In Users) - quantity of unique users who have account in the System and have visited THEFANDOME within the last 30 days.
WALIU (Weekly Active Logged In Users) - quantity of unique users who have account in the System and have visited THEFANDOME within the last 7 days.
DWDm - quantity of mobile app downloads from online shops -AppleAppstore and Android Market.
SRU (Summ of Registered Users) - quantity of all registered users.
1kFD - number of fandoms on the System website with the audience from 1000 to 9 999 users.
10kFD - number of fandoms on the System website with the audience from 10 00 to 999 999 users.
1mFD - number of fandoms on the System website with the audience over 1 000 000 users.