What is Ravencoin? To us, the RVN community, it's a new open-source project intended to see if a use case specific blockchain designed to be focused on the transfer of assets can develop technology which provides security or functional advantages for certain projects. Specifically working on things like RSK, which will allow solidity to work on this chain, will be huge for Ravencoin in the future. RVN was launched January 3rd 2018 with very little info regarding the future of the project. Since then, several community members have learned that there is an active development team on this coin, and the super clean wallet client and lightning fast network are only the beginning. The RVN team is launching their coin in the spirit of Bitcoin, code first. We hope to keep you updated in this thread as to work being done on RVN, as that information becomes available to us. But you don't need to wait for us, or take our word for it.
Ravencoin IS open source, and ANYONE is free to contribute to the project, please, join the team in GitHub!
Ravencoin was launched in the interest of fair distribution. There is no ICO, no pre-mine, and you can mine RVN on readily available consumer grade hardware! Several of us have been mining this coin since launch, and can attest that you can still currently hit blocks solo mining with your CPU through the wallet client, how long this will last, we can not say (Update: as of this writing February 2018, 6 RVN pools exist, solo mining has officially become difficult). We have learned, however, that the team is very dedicated to making RVN an ASIC resistant project now and into the future. We believe in RVN as a project and aim to help the project grow, and we're happy to have you join us!
Announced by founder at MIT. October 2017
Announced by founder at Bentley College. October 2017
Announced by founder at Texas Bitcoin Conference. October 2017
Discussed by founder at the LaBitConf in Columbia
Mentioned at Free State Blockchain Digital Assets Conference. December 1st 2017
Medium post: https://medium.com/@ravencoin/ravencoin-4683cd00f83c October 2017
Discussed by Founder various times on social media between October 2017-January 2018
Twitter Created, Genesis block text released, mining begins January 3rd 2018:
Whitepaper for X16R algorithm is released revealing a new solution to specialized mining hardware. January 25th 2018
Ravencoin was launched to the world January 3rd, 2018 publicly. It was the vision of the developers to launch the coin with minimal advertising. This ANN was created 11 days later by the community in an effort to spread awareness for the project. During those 11 days between launch and this posting, approx. 0.005% of the total RVN supply was mined, publicly, by those who were aware of the project leading up to launch on January 3rd.
During Ravencoins launch weekend 1300 miners began mining the first RVN blocks, that number then climbed 4300 miners within the first week. All miners fairly participated in RavenCoin's public launch prior to this community lead ANN.

Algorithm: X16R
https://ravencoin.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/X16R-Whitepaper.pdf (new!)
Block Time: 1 minute
Block Reward: 5000 RVN
Total Coin Supply: 21 Billion
Founders Reward: No
ICO: Hell no.
RPC port: 8766
Complete Node List: http://threeeyed.info/network

Paper Wallet:
(Credit to Penfold for the paper wallet)
Block Explorers:
(credit: Doc Z)
(credit: Mark)
CPU Miners:
Windows: https://rvn.suprnova.cc/cpuminer-multi-rel1.3.3-x64.7z
Linux (credit Epsylon3): https://github.com/tpruvot/cpuminer-multi
NEW Mac (credit: Tobias): https://gist.github.com/quagliero/90f493f123c7b1ddba5428ba0146329a
Current release:
Credit: tpruvot, and MSFTserver for hosting
Past releases:
(Credit: Penfold, MTarget, Austin, phabit2)
(Credit: Penfold, MTarget, Austin, phabit2)
(credit: penfold1251/MTarget)
Official Community Pool
threeeyed pool
Special bonus for using the community pool!
Help support a stronger, more diverse network (and get yourself some extra coin!).
0% fees for all miners from 01/29/18 through 02/04/18
All fees donated directly to Ravencoin development fund 02/05/18 through 02/12/18
Fees set back to 1% after this.
Currently offering 0% fees until 02/21/18!
RVNpool Setup:
-o stratum+tcp://rvnpool.com:3333 -u <WALLET_ADDRESS> [-p <OPTIONS>]
YiiMP.eu Setup:
-o stratum+tcp://yiimp.eu:3666 -u <WALLET_ADDRESS> [-p <OPTIONS>]
Currently offering 0% fees!
Cryptopool.Party Setup:
-o stratum+tcp://cryptopool.party:3636 -u <WALLET_ADDRESS> [-p <OPTIONS>]
Supernova Setup:
Hash4Life (yiimp):
Hash4Life Setup:
-a x16r -o stratum+tcp://hash4.life:3636 -u WALLET -p c=RVN
Full Mining guide:
(credit: Charlie)
ROTCEX Experimental Community Exchange:
More to come, contact us if you are interested in helping set up tools!
NEW Development Bounties:
LIVE 500,000 RVN: Finished AMD GPU Miner LIVE
Please consider donating to the Ravencoin community fund to help fund our bounties!
Development Donation Address: RT2r9oGxQxbVE1Ji5p5iPgrqpNQLfc8ksH
Explorer Link: http://threeeyed.info/address/RT2r9oGxQxbVE1Ji5p5iPgrqpNQLfc8ksH
100% of collected funds will be used for things like new pools, added network tools for RVN, new mining clients, and further code development.
Marketing Donation Address: RNwtuuLL1YCCHQhwY3nAoGqNkd1LSQFA1G
Explorer Link: http://threeeyed.info/address/RNwtuuLL1YCCHQhwY3nAoGqNkd1LSQFA1G
100% of collected funds will be used for things like running ads, translations, graphics, videos, and any other applicable needs.
BCT thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2752467.0