[url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IvCdaDCCi1yaDBa3sdUlx6zD3pYpKmVOjx-Ov4KS8hY/edit?usp=sharing]SPREADSHEET LINK
Introduce OnLive to your Community.. and get rewarded!
Join us to complete bounty task, encourage others to participate and get ONL Tokens as a reward.
Bounty Campaign Terms
We believe in a decentralised economy and cryptocurrency community. We are now starting a bounty campaign, so participants can help us tell about OnLive to the community, and get free coins as a bounty reward. By completing bounty tasks you will receive bounty-stakes, which are divided in the following categories: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Telegram Advertising, Bitcointalk signature campaign, Linkedin, Translations, writing blog posts and posting articles in popular media.
A total of
1 MILLION $ in ONL tokens has been assigned to this bounty campaign.
General Bounty Rules
All Bounty Participants are required to join On.Live’s Telegram group:
On.Live Bounty: https://t.me/OnLive_bounty
AND Fill up the form here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfKPr5V7ExjOUxT0mT915F-uLnpau8sZDqsk5jG1CQOsAQrlA/viewform
2. The Bounty Manager and the Team reserve their right to make changes to the terms in any moment.
3. Payment addresses will NOT be changed after submission.
4. Any kind of offensive or inadequate behaviour when promoting On.Live will result in immediate disqualification from the Bounty Campaign.
5. Bounty Managers/Team decisions are final.
6. For queries or complaints please
PM me with subject "On.Live BOUNTY CAMPAIGN INQUIRY".
WEEK#1: 01/14/2018-01/20/2018
Post the weekly report on: 01/20/2018
WEEK#2: 01/20/2018-01/26/2018
Post the weekly report on: 01/26/2018
WEEK#3: 01/27/2018-02/02/2018
Post the weekly report on: 02/02/2018
WEEK#4: 02/03/2018-02/09/2018
Post the weekly report on: 02/09/2018
Post the weekly report on:
Post the weekly report on:
Bitcoin Profile Link is
needed. If you have already registered on the forms and there is NO link on the column of Bitcointalk Forum.
Post on this thread with the following format:[/size]
Spreadsheet Row#:
Profile URL:
We are glad to welcome you to the OnLive Facebook campaign. Notice that in order to be eligible, each Facebook participant must have a minimum of 100 friends.
Facebook Campaign Rules:
1. Participants must share and like
On.Live’s Official Facebook Account posts.
2. Shares must have at least 2 of these hashtags:
#Crypto #Blockchain #invest #ICO #profit #Crowdfunding #OnLive #Streaming #TokenSale #Livebroadcasting.
3. Shares have to be spaced at least 1 hour. Anyone breaking this rule will be banned from the Bounty Campaign and will not receive any Stakes.
4. Accounts with fake friends/followers will be disqualified.
5. Friends/followers will NOT be updated after having registered in the campaign.
6. All shared articles must also be liked.
7. Do not share anything older than 4 days, it will not be counted.
8. Please DO NOT post rubbish comments, it is neither necessary nor wanted.
9. Minimum 3 shares per week
Maximum 1 share per hour, 4 shares per day, and 20 shares per week.
Weekly Reports will be posted on this thread every end of the week.
For example: Week#1 is 01/01/2018-01/06/2018, Post your report on 01/06/2018 ONLY.
Anyone breaking this rule will be banned from the Bounty Campaign and will not receive any Stakes.
For Asian Bounty participants please start sharing the post from
Weekly Report Format:
Campaign : [b]Campaign Name[/b]
#on Spreadsheet:
Facebook Account:
FB Links:
and so on....
100-500 Followers/Friends: 1 stake per share+like
501-1500 Followers/Friends: 2 stakes per share+like
1501-3000 Followers/Friends: 4 stakes per share+like
3001 Plus Followers/Friends: 6 stakes per share+like
How to Join:
1. Follow and like On.Live’s Facebook page:
2. Fill this form : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScThUxzhunE_a1cDWyuTbRtkG73BYiT-KSfrtoZP7ujv4OiXg/viewform
Every person with a Twitter account can earn coins during the campaign. A total of 5% of the bounty pot will be distributed to Twitter bounty users.
Translation Campaign Rules:
1. Participants are required to keep the local thread and Telegram groups alive by posting and translating regular updates, news or any important announcements. A single post thread will be rejected.
2. Automatic (Google or similar) translations or translations with low quality will be rejected.
3. Unnecessary or repeated posts shall be rejected for stake counting.
4. Only posts written by the OP will count.
This bounty consists of three tasks:
1. Translation of ANN+bounty thread
2. Translation of Whitepaper+Website to the following languages: Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Arabic, Japanese, Italian, German, French, Portuguese, Indonesian, Turkish, Russian
3. Creation and moderation of local Telegram groups
● Translation of ANN thread + This Bounty thread:
50 stakes + 10 stakes per update
● Website translation (Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Korean, Portuguese, Arabic, Indonesian, Turkish, Russian):
75 stakes
● Whitepaper translation (Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Korean, Portuguese, Arabic, Indonesian, Turkish, Russian
): 250 stakes
● Moderation of local Telegram groups (includes translation of pinned message from main group):
5 stakes + 2 stake/member at the end of campaign
How to Join:
1. Send an email to
bounty@amazix.com with the following details:
● Native language
● Part of bounty you apply for (ANN/WP/Telegram)
● Translation/moderation experience (if any)
● Bitcointalk username
● ERC-20 wallet address
2. After being accepted and completing the translation, Fill up the form : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf5FRrRJzLUzCMJDtcxWg-N_peRPtQl-e3HSQw-frsO438HBg/viewform
Spread the word with your original content and earn tokens by:
Blogging about OnLive,
promoting it in other forums, in your Facebook/LinkedIn group or any other social outlet with a large outreach
creating YouTube videos (including interviews)
35% of the allocation (0.105% of raised tokens) will be reserved for invite-only VIP content creators.
Content Creation Campaign:
1. Blog posts must have at least 250 words and forum posts must have at least 100 words.
2. Blogs/forums/videos in languages other than English may also be accepted (at the sole discretion of Amazix/On Live). Please contact me first to check.
3. Videos must be at least 1 minute long and descriptive.
4. No negative slander of the project will be accepted
5. All content must remain posted for at least 1 month after the end of the campaign
6. Videos and articles have to be meaningful and related to OnLive: the Token Sale, aspects of the Whitepaper, streaming, related technology, etc.
7. All articles must contain links to OnLive’s website, the Telegram group and the ANN/Bounty threads
8. Videos/articles with fake views will be disqualified
8. Only original content will be accepted
10. Spamming/posting in wrong subforums will not be tolerated. Posts deleted or closed by the forum’s administration will not count.
11. We will give out stakes depending on the quality, uniqueness, and distribution. All stakes will be given out at the end of the backing campaign.
Stakes earned depending on quality (decided by AmaZix/OnLive after review):
Rejected: 0 stakes
Low: 1 stake
Medium: 2 stakes
High: 3 stakes
(per post/video)
Reposting on another (relevant) site will earn an extra 50% of stakes (one repost per article allowed)
How to Join:
1. Send me a PM with a subject "ON LIVE CONTENT CREATION CAMPAIGN" with the following details:
● Campaign : [b]Campaign Name[/b]
● Bitcointalk username:
● ETH Wallet:
● Content Language:
● Content Links(include the link where you reposted your content):
2. Fill up the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe92hglNtmyuBenjUyW2z3is9uWTP14rzjaOVdssoWTyxGjyQ/viewform[/url]