[ANN] Oksi Coin - New cryptocurrency exchange


New Member
Apr 13, 2018
OKSI COIN - gathers to launch a new cryptocurreny exchange
In this article, we will talk about one of the prospective crypto currency of 2018 based on WAVES - OKSI Coin.

Consider why OKSI Coin was released and what goals it pursues.

So, the site of the OKSI crypto currency is https://oksicoin.com.

OKSI Coin is a decentralized token - that is, its rate is not controlled by financial structures and states, but directly depends on supply and demand on kriptornke.

The emission of OKSI Coin is 2.6 billion tokens with the possibility of dividing up to 8 characters.

It is announced that only 2.1 billion OKSI coin will be sold and given in the form of BONUSES in 4 stages of the ICO campaign.

The stages of the ICO of the OKSI Coin campaign:

1. Pre-Sale: 1 OKSi Coin = $ 0.02 (every $ 20 = 1,000 OKSI Coins + 50% BONUS = 1,500 OKSI Coins);

2. Round 1: 1 OKSI Coin = $ 0.03 (every $ 30 = 1,000 OKSI Coins + 40% BONUS = 1,400 OKSI Coins);

3. Round 2: 1 OKSI Coin = $ 0.04 (every $ 40 = 1,000 OKSI Coins + 30% BONUS = 1,300 OKSI Coins);

4. Round 3: 1 OKSI Coin = $ 0.05 (every $ 50 = 1,000 OKSI Coins + 20% BONUS = 1,200 OKSI Coins).​

OKSI Coin can be bought directly on the site https://oksicoin.com, through the store module at - https://oksicoin.com/shop. The purchase minimums are 4500 OKSI, 6000 OKSI and 7500 OKSI.

Methods of payment - Payeer, Nixmoney, CoinPayments and through the wallet Waves ... In our opinion, Payeer or Waves wallet are the best options for payment and saving your money.

After the end of the ICO campaign, OKSI will be added to the main crypto-currency exchanges for trading.

Why does OKSI CoiN start and what is its purpose?

It's quite simple, the essence of the OKSI COIN issue is that the CRYPT-EXCHANGE EXCHANGE could be launched on the money collected from the ICO-campaign, which will have a number of significant advantages compared to the already functioning crypto-exchanges.

Advantages of future crypto-birzha (domain - https://bitstels.com)

- low commissions for transactions;

- low commission for input and output of funds and withdrawal of the crypto currency;

- absolute anonymity (trade without verification);

- Offshore servers;

- A loyal support service that will respond to calls as soon as possible;

- trading only verified crypto-currencies;

- A COMPENSATION PROGRAM to holders of OKSI COIN, which will be held at least once a year (more details can be read here).

After the launch of the crypto-exchange, other projects will be developed and implemented, which will further increase the value of OKSI COIN.


White paper OKSI COIN

Link to white paper on the OKSI CoiN website - https://oksicoin.com/documents/oksi-white-paper/

Link to Google Docs - https://docs.google.com/viewerng/viewer?url=https://oksicoin.com/wp-content/uploads/files/OKSI+CoiN+White+Paper.pdf&hl=en_US

Algorithm of buying OKSI Coin:

1. Go to https://oksicoin.com/shop.

2. Choose the right amount of OKSI CoiN for purchase.

3. Add to the cart.

4. Fill in your details (name, surname, country of residence, address of WAVES wallet e-mail address, and any other information). Here, putting a tick, you can immediately register.

5. Choose a payment method - Payeer, Nixmoney, CoinPayments or through the wallet Waves ...

6. You pay.

7. Within 24 hours at the specified WAVES address purse comes the amount you paid for OKSI CoiN + BONUS .... The faster the purchase, the more BONUS will get !!

Pre-Sale OKSI COIN will be held from May 1 to May 31, 2018, the bonus is 50% of the purchased OKSI. Buy OKSI can already and right now !!!!!

Thus, the new OKSI token is aimed at launching the exchange with a low commission for transactions, input and withdrawal of funds, entirely anonymous (since it will be on offshore servers), with a loyal support service and with compensation of a part of the OKSI cost every year.

The announced time of launching a new crypto-exchange - BitStels - the beginning of the summer of 2019.

As for me, OKSI CoiN is a good investment in the future, and even with the projected growth in value due to compensation policy.

P.S. After purchasing OKSI, do not forget to join the OKSI community on social networks to be always up-to-date with the latest developments!

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/oksicoin/

Google + - https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/111175606936938752049

Twitter - https://twitter.com/Oksi_Coin

Telegram - https://t.me/OKSI_COIN



New Member
Apr 13, 2018
It will be a multifunctional exchange for trading all major and tested crypto currencies with low transaction rates and conducting / withdrawing fiat funds and crypto currencies.
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