Stumbled upon one of the more interesting Crypto-projects attempting to create a new sort of Hybrid-Internet ::
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Identity Registrar
Hybrid Apps (HAPPS)
Is Sentivate a centralized or decentralized Internet?
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We believe that a system consisting of only one side of a coin will never be truly viable. We do not believe in a solely centralized or decentralized Internet; rather, a hybrid Internet. A revolutionary replacement for the World Wide Web must be a system consisting of centralized & decentralized components.
Sentivate seeks to break through the limits centralized & decentralized systems impose on its users. Sentivate has a hybrid topology consisting of the best of both centralized and decentralized architectures. There is no reason for humanity to limit itself to one side of the coin when we could harness the power of both.
Going Beyond the Decentralized WebWe must be realistic when revolutionizing the World Wide Web. The Internet’s centralized topology must remain a part of the core network design to retain the many benefits it provides today. However, integrating decentralized technologies, replacing existing components, and introducing new revolutionary systems are crucial steps to establishing a Universal Web.
Identity Registrar
Identity CertificatesThe Identity Registrar is a centralized service which signs certificates & is the first layer of protection for the network. The IR protects the network by filtering faulty certificates, Sybil Attacks, and nefarious actors. The Identity Registrar ensures malicious certificates aren’t signed which allows services to efficiently deny their connection attempts. False signatures can be denied by the DIS and therefore potentially protect a service and save some of its resources. A decentralized network and dynamic blockchain will be leveraged to help validate newly submitted certificates for signing. If the certificated is successfully vetted by the network the IR signs the certificate and then it can be successfully used by services and the DIS. During the initial handshake, the first packet contains the certificates required to establish a UDSP bi-directional stream. If signatures are successfully validated the rest of the handshake process continues.
Identity Certificates are documents which act as a way to cryptographically authenticate yourself on the network. The certificates are signed by a central or acting authority known as the identity Registrar. There are multiple Ephemeral Identity Certificates which are attached and signed by a Master Identity Certificate and the Identity Registrar. The Identity Registrar acts as a protected faucet guarding the network against various Sybil attacks. The Identity Registrar ensures malicious master and or ephemeral certificates aren’t signed which allows services to efficiently deny their connection attempts.
Certificates allow the community to establish a decentralized reputation blockchain, which can publicly record good & bad behavior associated with specific certificates. A honeypot can be used to block known bad actors from accessing a service.
Ephemeral Certificates, (EC), are a sub certificate to the Master Certificate. ECs act as profiles which are used to access user defined services. For example, wallet certificate, banking certificate, general web browsing certificate or for every service. ECs are also used for the key exchange process which sets up a bi-directional UDSP connection between the origin and host. Since encryption is handled by ephemeral certificates users can easily create a new EC to ensure security is always changing. However, their root identity being the master certificate is still present and used to validate the EC. This design is used to ensure that Sybil attacks increasing negligent.
The Master Certificate is used to sign various sub profile certificates and may be used for Identity verification and wallet action authentication.
Universal Data Stream ProtocolBenefits of Identity Certificates
Users can visit a page, instantly create an account, and then instantly make a purchase. Sites can offer instant login & signup. Certificates remove the need to remember a password as the ephemeral certificates act as access keys. Ephemeral Certificates are created from the browser, which enables users to assign specific certificates to certain services. This is an effective way to mitigate potential damages in the case of theft or a device is lost. Devices can now be limited to certain ephemeral certificates so you can take social media on the go but leave your banking credentials on your home desktop.
UDSP is Sentivate’s main protocol which replaces HTTP/s for all network-based communication. UDSP is a UDP based protocol that is reliable, real-time, & encrypted by default. UDSP is much less “chatty” and lighter than HTTP. User’s demands have changed as we began to require more from the web and TCP has become a major bottleneck. Large data centers moving copious amounts of data from one end-point to the other have latency and cost issues associated with outdated Internet Architecture. HTTP is especially problematic when users are experiencing low throughput, limited bandwidth, or a near real-time response.
UDSP is also a viable protocol for machine-to-machine communication and the world of IoT. The packets are specifically designed to be easily digested and quickly utilized. UDSP is for low-latency high-throughput communication making it ideal for dispersed computing and parallel computing environments.
Turn DDOS attacks into profit with UDSP. Dynamic proof of work puzzles can be dynamically turned on in packets by the server. The server can also decide if at any moment the amount of Viat split the amount between the client and itself. These two options allow a server to profit from a DDOS attack by forcing the attacker’s multiple machines to do a small proof of work which in turn provides Viat to the server owner. The server can ensure under DDOS attacks that it receives all of the profits from the solved dynamic proofs of work in packets sent to clients. The client can fetch or solve the given puzzle and submit it for validation.
Profit by simply being active on the network. That movie you just bought from Amazon instant just paid for itself in Viat, because of UDSP.
Encryption is mandatory
User Space – Easily upgraded & Evolving
Multiplex & Multihoming
IPv6 Ready
Passwordless login
Single sign-on for the Internet
Hybrid Apps (HAPPS)
Hybrid Apps are self-constructing streamed single-page-applications. Applications are designed in a highly modular fashion. Application’s assets are contained in their own file and are streamed to the client on an as needed basis. Only exactly when the client needs the resource is it fetched and delivered. Sentivate’s components allow for highly module asset streaming. For example, components can share the same CSS or HTML assets which ensures shared assets are only downloaded once and the duplicate code is never sent over the wire. Server loads and bandwidth is drastically decreased with this methodology as now the client is only pulling exactly what is needed.
Hybrid Apps can utilize an opt-in decentralized P2P CDN for assets in addition to other centralized CDN services. Making use of a Hybrid Content Delivery Network means that hybrid apps have high availability, scalability, and more bandwidth for real-time dynamic content.
All the benefits of centralized systems & decentralized networks provide hApps with the highest scalability potential. hApps are built using reactive, dynamic, and modular development methodologies. hApps are streamed and built over time much like a bridge building itself as you walk across. Only one initial page load takes place and thereafter pages are dynamically built as needed similar to Single-page-apps.
Is Sentivate a centralized or decentralized Internet?
[li]Sentivate is a Hybrid Internet consisting of centralized and decentralized components; some components have varying degrees of both.[/li]
[li]Sentivate is not a solely decentralized Internet, we see any such attempts as futile, regressive, and unrealistic. [/li]
[li]Sentivate embraces the centralized nature of the Internet and seeks to revolutionize all aspects of existing systems/services such as DNS.[/li]
[li]Sentivate includes decentralized technologies and thus portions of the system are decentralized.[/li]
We are striving for an “as perfect as possible” harmony between centralized and decentralized components allowing the system to adapt to humanity’s demands as needed. Some of the decentralized aspects help keep the centralized aspects in check and vice versa. There are optional decentralized components that are opt-in and incentivized with Viat such as a decentralized CDN. Sentivate is designed to be a realistic and highly viable replacement for the web we have today. However, it is also a viable option for private Government Intranets and delivering as near real-time as possible applications.