[ANN] Conex Coin - Intermediary currency and exchange, payment online


New Member
Dec 20, 2017

- Conex Coin is denoted as CNI, which is a digital coin , it's like the currency of nation like dollars, but only in the digital world.. Its concept can be understood as the concepts of Bitcoin. And, it's really not much different than Bitcoin.
- Conex Coin has not control by any Organizations or Goverment. Conex Coin uses the Blockchain database on the basic of ERC20 (Stable) platform , but to publicize mode to let people that no one can fake transactions in Blockchain. All transactions are directly recorded and spread on many servers... So, Hackers can not attack on the system.


- Conex Coin is applied by the model of Calling Capital Contribution =>> Establishment of Trading Exchanges and Payment by CNI as international trading platform : Coinexchange , Yobit , Livecoin .. trading, lending..
- Conex Coin is used in the game online industry , mobile game , which is an industry where Coin is rarely mentioned and specifically.

Coin quantities are limited and fixed :
- Conex Coin has a limited amount of 18.5 million coins world wide , considered as a non - inflationary economic system because of the sready supplt of coins.
- The price of Conex Coin tends to increase sharply , because of the scarcity , high demand and fixed quantity worldwide.
Supplying Coins to the world :
ICO Pre - sale : 4.500.000 Conex Coin (CNI)
The Pre - Sales of goods stars from 02/01/2018 to 14/01/2018.
Issue Mode : Issue is divided into 3 series, each period is in 3 days and only issued to the small orders that do not accept the group command ( big orders).
Issue Time : From 21 PM - TORRONTO - CANADA.
Maximum Duration : 2hours.
Sale Phase 1 : From 02/01/2018 to 04/01/2018.
Issue number : 2.000.0000 token (CNI)
Fixed Price is $ 0.9
Sale Phase 2 : From 07/02/2018 to 09/02/2018.
Issue Number : 1.500.0000 token (CNI)
Fixed Price is $1.2
Sale Phase 3 : From 12/02/2018 to 14/02/2018
Issuse Number : 1.000.0000 token (CNI)
Fixed Price is $ 1.5
CNI Apply flexible lending to invertors with 2 options : Wiew all details in the whitepage: https://conexcoin.io/home/WhitePage.pdf
Explorer: https://conexcoin.io/
Telegram channel: https://t.me/conexcoinnews
Telegram group chat : https://t.me/joinchat/HMITbA9Zb9f-gJcdJv-4tw
Twitter: https://twitter.com/conexcoin1