is an instant, fully automatic cryptocurrency exchange with Lightning Network.
With us, you can exchange cryptocurrencies in a few clicks and make profitable deals with fixed and floating rates, tailored to your needs.
No registration. No hassle. Just scan a QR code, and you are ready to exchange.
We guarantee:
- The best rates. Every day we compare the rates of top instant exchanges. On FixedFloat our customers always make exchanges on the most favorable terms.
- Fair deals. To make the exchange process as transparent and fair as possible, we offer two exchange options: Fixed rate (1%) and Float rate (0.5%).
- Rapid transactions. All stages of any transaction are trackable online. FixedFloat exchange transactions are designed to be performed at maximum speed and with maximum user convenience.
- Caring customer service. Real-time support is available 24/7 to deal with all queries and questions via Live chat, Facebook, Twitter, Telegram and many other channels and media.
- Security. We never store your funds. All exchanges take place automatically, after several confirmations of the blockchain network.
We have created FixedFloat for millions of cryptocurrency users around the world who need a reliable, trusted partner for digital exchange. We welcome any feedback and requests for additional/enhanced features to streamline your experience: contact us here or write to our support.
Our contacts:
Best regards, team.
Think big. Exchange wisely.