WildRig Multi 0.12.7 (x22i) (x17) (x16r) (x16s)


New Member
Nov 1, 2018
WildRig Multi 0.12.7 (x22i) (x17) (x16r) (x16s)

Download for Windows
dependencies: Visual C++ Redistributable 2015 x64
note: don't forget to download latest kernels if you use old cards

Download for Linux
dependencies: libcurl, libuv1, libmicrohttpd10, amdgpu-pro driver
note: compiled under Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, so if you get problem with libmicrohttpd10, use "no api" version(will be available a bit later, or check solution for newer Ubuntu)

Download for HiveOS(custom miner integration)
dependencies: libcurl, libuv1, libmicrohttpd10, amdgpu-pro driver
note: use wildrig-multi as a name for miner while installation

- fixed low hashrate on Vega cards
- more improvements to x22i
- now higher intensity can be set

- significant increase of hashrate for x22i algo
- fixed support gfx901
- one more fix for NiceHash support

- fixed random crash after "new job", introduced in 0.12.4
- fixed NiceHash support
- fixed extra nonce subscription
- officially added algorithms x22i, exosis and skunkhash