What are the rules or policy, if any, about using Bitcoin to raise capital for a start-up?


Mar 6, 2020
I am developing a Start-up that requires an Operating Certificate and Permit that requires an investment of US$2MM to get the processing of documents going with US Government Agencies and my team. This will be a 11 - 15 month process. I was looking at raising the initial capital for the certification and government permits. Once that's done the Angel investors will then step into the project. Are there any rules to raising funds with Bitcoin?


Mar 5, 2020
Here are are some policies you can follow to raise Bitcoin capital startups:

1. Crowdfunding campaigns in the Bitcoin ecosystem are not all that common just yet, although things are changing.

2. Angel investors are quite popular among Bitcoin entrepreneurs these days, as they offer flexible business agreements and bring a strong network of partners to the table.

3. Last but not least, there is the option of receiving a peer-to-peer loan. Keeping in mind how Bitcoin is all about the peer-to-peer transaction, this type of funding seems to be perfect for digital currency startups and entrepreneurs.

4. The secure bitcoin payment gateway for capital startups.

These are some rules should be considered to raise bitcoin capital startups.


New Member
May 7, 2020
the competition in this business is very low, but you must be well informed with everything, when it comes to the creation of new companies and more when they bring with them crypto currencies is a delicate matter that requires total and absolute legality.