The First Project Report: Understanding Decentralized Derivatives Exchange AVEO


Dec 13, 2023
On the early morning of December 8th, 2023, Jito Labs, the developer of Solana's MEV infrastructure, opened the JTO airdrop application window. After a brief fluctuation at the opening, the price of JTO quickly rose, reaching $4.94 at one point.
JTO has been a hot topic in the crypto community in the past two days. In this discussion, in addition to projects in the Solana ecosystem, another platform has also attracted the attention of the community. After JTO announced the airdrop inspection website, it quickly launched the derivatives trading protocol Aevo of JTO Futures.
According to DefiLlama data, the current Aevo TVL is $56.43 million, with a 24-hour derivative trading volume of $57.90 million and a cumulative trading volume of over $33.70 billion. Under DefiLlama's Options category, Aevo currently ranks first in TVL. When AEVO was launched last year, its TVL data was only $23 million.
Aevo mainnet has been online for only one year and has reached its current status. It will soon be launched in The First spot area. We will provide a detailed breakdown of the agreement to help users better understand the AEVO ecosystem.
What is AEVO?
Aevo is a decentralized derivatives trading platform focused on options and perpetual trading. It runs on Aevo L2, a custom Ethereum Rollup built using the Optimism stack. This enables Aevo to support over 5,000 transactions per second and has processed over $30 billion in trading volume to date.
The decentralized exchange adopts Blend Mode - an off-chain centralized limit order book used for matching transactions, combined with on-chain settlement using smart contracts on Ethereum L2 for actual transactions. This enables Aevo to provide a high-performance, low-latency trading experience similar to centralized exchanges, while maintaining the security and transparency of decentralized settlements.
Aevo (AEVO) Product Introduction
Aevo currently offers three main products, each designed to provide users with diverse trading options and flexible risk management tools.
  1. Perpetual contract
Perpetual contracts are one of Aevo's core products, allowing users to trade long and short cryptoassets with leverage up to 20x. Aevo supports perpetual contracts for various cryptocurrencies, including but not limited to the following: BTC (Bitcoin), ETH (Ethereum), SOL (Solana), AVAX (Avalanche).
  • High leverage: up to 20 times leverage ratio, providing users with higher capital utilization.
  • Diverse assets: Supports a variety of mainstream and popular cryptoassets to meet the needs of different investors.
  1. Options
Aevo provides an on-chain option order book where users can buy and sell bullish/put options on cryptoassets. These options have various exercise prices and expiration dates to meet users' different trading and investment strategy needs, including ETH and BTC options with weekly, biweekly, and monthly expiration dates.
  • Diverse options: various execution prices and expiration dates provide more strategy combinations.
  • On-chain security: The option order book runs on the chain, ensuring the transparency and security of transactions.
  1. Pre-Launch token futures
Aevo provides Future Markets for tokens that have not yet been published. These Future Markets allow users to trade tokens before they are officially launched. Once the token is launched on a centralized exchange (CEX), Pre-Launch futures will automatically convert to regular perpetual futures.
  • Early trading: Before the token is officially published, users can trade in advance to seize market opportunities.
  • Automatic conversion: After the token is listed, Pre-Launch futures are automatically converted to perpetual futures, simplifying the operation process.
Through the above design, Aevo can achieve efficient matching, low-cost on-chain contract and option trading to meet different investment needs, and ensure flexibility and security under different market conditions. Therefore, Aevo has successfully occupied a place in derivative trading.
How does AEVO work?
Aevo's operation integrates decentralized finance (DeFi) technology and innovative trading frameworks, providing a secure and efficient platform for derivative trading (including options and cryptocurrency futures). The core of Aevo is to use complex technical architecture to seamlessly integrate off-chain and on-chain elements to optimize performance and security.
  • Off-chain order book and risk engine: Aevo uses an off-chain order book that allows traders to quickly match their orders without interfering with the blockchain. The system combines a risk engine that evaluates orders based on the margin requirements of the investment portfolio, ensuring that traders maintain sufficient collateral, thereby improving the security and integrity of the platform.
  • On-chain settlement: Once orders are successfully matched off-chain, they are settled on-chain within Aevo's smart contract. This method combines the speed of off-chain processing with the transparency and security of blockchain settlement, ensuring the efficiency and transparency of transactions.
  • Layer 2 Architecture: Aevo runs on a custom Layer 2 (L2) convolution based on the OP stack and converts transaction data to Ethereum. This L2 solution helps achieve high throughput and low latency transactions, while inheriting Ethereum's strong security features, ensuring transaction reliability and efficiency.
  • Clearing: The platform's clearing process is designed to shield the overall health of the system and the trader's position. When the trader's portfolio cannot meet the margin requirements, the clearing process will be initiated. The clearing engine will gradually reduce its head to recover the balance, and if necessary, it will also call the insurance fund to make up for the difference, ensuring the stability of the system and the safety of the user's funds.
The above technical infrastructure enables Aevo to provide a decentralized trading experience. Its performance is usually related to centralized exchanges (CEX), marking a significant advancement for DeFi trading platforms. By combining off-chain order books, on-chain settlement, and second-layer architecture, Aevo provides an efficient and transparent trading environment while improving transaction speed and security. This makes Aevo a competitive and innovative platform in the decentralized finance field.
II. AEVO Token Economics
Aevo was created by the same team behind Ribbon Finance, a groundbreaking DeFi options protocol that has processed over $10 billion in option volumes through automated option vaults. Ribbon's option vaults have an all-time high TVL of over $350 million and have earned depositors over $50 million in option premiums.
At the end of 2023, the Ribbon team decided to expand from an options vault to a mature decentralized options and perpetual contract exchange. This led to the creation and launch of Aevo.
Before $AEVO, Ribbon's governance token was $RBN, which has been widely circulated in the market. The 45% $RBN previously owned by DAO will be exchanged for $AEVO at a 1:1 ratio. The AEVO committee will be responsible for managing these funds, following the RGP-33 governance proposal and making fixed allocations in the following ways:
  • 16% of the $AEVO is for incentives: designed to increase customer engagement and liquidity through airdrops and marketing campaigns, managed by the Growth and Marketing Committee.
  • Token Liquidity 9%: Ensures stable liquidity on decentralized and centralized exchanges, managed by the Treasury and Revenue Management Board.
  • 5% for community development: for community events and incentives to encourage active participation, overseen by the Growth and Marketing Committee.
  • 16% reserved: reserved for future DAO needs, allocated 2% annually to Aevo project contributors.
AEVO is about to launch The First
As a decentralized derivatives exchange, AVEO has quickly become a major player in the DeFi derivatives space, with great potential to reshape the financial landscape and bring new opportunities to investors and traders.
As its native token, $AEVO provides traders with early opportunities to speculate on future tokens, not only meeting the market's speculative needs, but also committed to community participation and development. Based on the project's development process and future value potential, The First spot area will list AEVO tokens on May 28, 2024 at 16:00 (UTC + 8).
For more currency information and trading details, users can log in to The First to register and view. Through the AVEO/USDT trading pair listed in The First spot area, traders can obtain this promising asset and explore the potential for substantial returns.