Suggestion for key mgmt tools?


New Member
Mar 3, 2017
Hey yall. I'm wondering if anyone can suggest a good/best system of keeping track of key pairs. I don't necessarily just mean keeping a local keychain, but do you back up your keychain? Do you use a cloud-based system to keep keys safe? Redundant USB?

I tend to lose things, especially things I don''t use often. I use lastpass online for password mgmt. I tend to wipe/rebuild my laptop often so keeping a local keychain isn't enough.

I have not (much) really adopted using pub keys for identity and so haven't really developed a personal system or habit to keep track of these, and so I'm wondering what anyone else does.

Also do you upload your key to a public server? Do you go far enough to protect against, say, a house fire?

Anyway I'm just overall curious how you might integrate key use into your daily life gracefully.

Thanks in advance!