SRBMiner Cryptonight V1.7.0 growth +10% (BitTube) (Haven) (Heavy) (Italo)
SRBMiner-CN V1.7.0
MD5: 76d24d0c707e89d58e54916d29c1045b *
SRBMiner-CN V1.7.0
MD5: 76d24d0c707e89d58e54916d29c1045b *
- Speed increase on BitTube/Haven/Heavy/Italo algos up to ~10% (depends of gpu)
- Small speed increase on V8 algo for Vegas
- Added new algo CN-Dark [CryoNote]
- Added new algo CN-Fest [Festival coin]
- Added startup monitor which monitors miner startup process
- Added new work mode for GPU hashrate watchdog [--gpuwatchdogdisablemode]
- Added yet another gpu tuning parameter 'aes'
- Fixed a bug related to hash speed monitor and algo switching