Silent Army - the universal open source miner


New Member
Nov 26, 2018
Silent Army - the universal open source miner

It is one of the universal miners, distinguished by fast work, open source code written in Python, and work with the help of OpenCL. It is noteworthy that part of the working code of the Silent Army was used in Claymore's first releases. The extraction of cryptomonet on the EquiHash algorithm in the coin in question can be carried out on AMD and NVidia GPU video cards, as well as on various processors (this requires support for the AVX / AVX2 instruction set).

Initially, the Silent Army was designed for mining from Linux, but today it successfully uses Windows users with Cygwin. The advantage of the software is also the absence of a developer commission.

Hashrate video cards:
  • AMD Radeon RX 480 = 75 N / s;
  • AMD Radeon Fury = 115 N / s;
  • Nvidia Geforce GTX 1070 = 70 N / s.
Genole ZEC miner 0.6.2. This fast mining miner Zcash using GPU supports only GCN cards from AMD and can only work under Windows. The miner uses OpenCL Genoil for work and there are no additional developer fees.

Hashrate equipment:
  • AMD FX 8350 8 cores = 11 H / s;
  • AMD Radeon R9 280X = 30 N / s.

Running Silent Army:
  1. Download and install Python for Windows.
  2. Download and install Cygwin for Windows.
  3. During Cygwin installation, select and install all the "Python" packages in the "Translators" section.
  4. Download SilentArmy 5.0 miner.
  5. Configure SilentArmy 5.0 miner. To determine the available devices on the system in the .batfile parameter "--list" (Example: c: \ cygwin64 \ bin \ python3.4m silentarmy --list).
  6. Configure the .bat file for mining (Example: c: \ cygwin64 \ bin \ python3.4m silentarmy --instances = 1 -c stratum + tcp: // 6666 -u t1TaokQnaUYLMuuNLT21ypNc1tEdKBePPEePPEePPectPnaUYLMuuNLT21ypNc1tEdKBeEPP -use 0), where -instances is the number of streams, -c is the address of the pool for mining, -u is the username for the pool or your wallet address, -p is the password for the worker, --use is the list of devices for mining (for example - use 0,1,2,3,4 is a processor + 4 video cards in the system).

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