

New Member
Mar 24, 2017
1, "THE BIG TREES ATTRACT THE WIND" - When we talk about MONEY, we think about BANKS straight away. So banks are the big trees on this case in the currency market. Unlike other cryptocurrencies in the market, Ripple really spends time to focus on building a strong foundation & relationship with all the BIG GUYS which are the BANKS to settle their currency & get approval first before focusing more on individuals. And then as a result of it, all the small individuals & people like us will follow the BIG TREES by default. This is the RIGHT way to build. SLOW at the beginning but FAST & STABLE in the end of the game :) + Just like when you build a building, the first few years, we focus on building strong FOUNDATION, and then when you have a strong base, you can put up all the other things such as: windows, toilets, painting, interial....e.t.c... During the time of building the foundation, nothing much you can see happening but it takes the longest time to build until it's done and the rest only take few months to finish off the building. SLOW to build a strong foundation but FAST in the end. I see Ripple is using the same this fundamental to win the game with other competitors.

2, "The price goes up & down everyday but the MONEY is in the LONG-RUN". Same in the stock market, there are always up & down in prices everyday because of many reasons, but the good companies which have good VALUE products, good management teams, good LEADERSHIPS...e.t.c. will stay & rocket in price & sustain it. So don't focus too much on the SPEED of the price, but focus more on their true VALUE. This is what I believe in Ripple with what I see their team & leadership so far. The bigger the problem that you can solve for the banks, the bigger the pay cheque. I believe Ripple is the only company can solve this cross-border payment system between banks the best more than anyone in the market. So they will be the WINNER at the end of the race.

3, For me, investing a few thousands bucks in Ripple doesn't affect me much as I'm already doing well for myself. The worst thing can happen is that XRP stay the same as price right now or going down more doesn't make any difference for me. But think about what if the BEST thing can happen, XRP will go up to $1 or more in value when all the banks use it, I will get a (x100) times multiply in return from my investment. Sacrifice some money to get on the train early is better than suffer the PAIN OF REGRET :) lol...

For these 3 reasons, I will keep some XRP as a part of my investment!! :)
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New Member
Mar 27, 2017
No digital money will become a safe haven and
Ripple $358,301,028
Waiting to make a profit is folly
In fact all of the coin market is folly

If there is no legal obligation in a market capitalisation, nothing is done properly
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New Member
Mar 31, 2017
Today RippleTalk has been launched by one of famous Cryptocurrency redditors(Xezirone) you can subscribe to it and support the Ripple Technology ;)
i posted this just for your information guys