With active infiltration of bank cartel pawns into bitcoin communities, it is important to have robust membership standards.
As it is now new members must have a sponsor and also pass a vote of current members. However it is challenging for voting members to actually know who they are voting for. Reading a few tweets or reddit posts often does not help to vet new members, and it is known that bank pawns will buy or hack into accounts.
The proposed update to membership acceptance is to require technical contribution towards the bitcoin protocol as a prerequisite to applying. Alternatively, requiring sponsors to physically meet the sponsee in person is another option.
As it is now new members must have a sponsor and also pass a vote of current members. However it is challenging for voting members to actually know who they are voting for. Reading a few tweets or reddit posts often does not help to vet new members, and it is known that bank pawns will buy or hack into accounts.
The proposed update to membership acceptance is to require technical contribution towards the bitcoin protocol as a prerequisite to applying. Alternatively, requiring sponsors to physically meet the sponsee in person is another option.