Only Time Will Tell How Valuable Artgem Chain Is

Artgem Chain

New Member
Jun 4, 2020

According to the data from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the American Appraisal
Association (ASA) on the evaluation of the value of artworks, the market value of artworks
is about 65.91 billion USD, and this is only the proportion of 10% of the global registered
assets. We can predict that the scale of current art market is about one trillion (mega)
volume, and the annual increase in the value of art preservation has reached about 25%.

Although the return on investing artworks is considerable and stable, investors are always
beset by problems like authenticity distinguishing and circulating. Facing such a huge
market, how to find the right path to join in and make profits?

Blockchain and cryptocurrency have characteristics like decentralization and whole-process
linking to blockchain, which solve security and circulation problems of credit data. Cultural
and art industry has been considered as one of the most effective industries in blockchain.

As for a world’s leading digital artworks trading platform, Artgem Chain shows its great value
in combinating blockchain and artworks market.

1.Reliability of Technical and Profession

— The innovative model of AGC is to enable holders of encrypted digital assets to retain
100% ownership of their digital assets; and it supports the automatic delivery of cultural
artworks, which can be quickly withdrawn.

— Implemented the global art KYC procedure, and cooperated with the world’s top risk
control PricewaterhouseCoopers to ensure the compliance of the platform.

— AGC uses military grade 256 bit encryption technology to provide users with seamless
experience to exchange anywhere.

2. Ability in Making Continuous Profits

— Holders of AGC tokens can obtain artworks at lower preferential rates;

— AGC holders can withdraw airdrop interest from funds traced to authentic artworks on
the platform.

— In addition, the depositors of AGC can obtain interest of investing artwork every year,
which provides a safe and high-paying passive income without having to bear any fees or

3.Anti-risk Capability

In a bull market, investors can replace high-liquidity AGC tokens with low-liquidity artworks,
and leverage it to invest in both digital currencies and traditional capital markets, transforming
existing assets into effective investments with minimal cost and risk, and thus harvesting profit.

In a bear market, when the currency price goes down, the value-added cultural art can be
replaced by AGC mortgage, which can help maintain value of their assets.

Based on the above, AGC can not only help the digital artworks industry to upgrade in volume,
but also open the unlimited entrance to the increment in the global art market. The liquidity
premium brought by AGC is the core of supporting its value as an “asset”.