Jihan Wu Puts Backdoor in BitMain Equipment


Mar 19, 2017
why isnt anyone here talking about this

this why im not convinced yet about bitcoin unlimited,

i dont trust that china man and roger ver must be in bed with him,

i also heard rumors that roger ver made a deal with the u.s.a. to destory bitcoin so he can get back his citizenship back


be careful with the back door

bitcoin is over 1300!!, long live bitcoin!!


New Member
Apr 25, 2017
Its already patched in an updated firmware release that took about 10 hours after release of the news. The "backdoor" as people claim, was clearly written and available on their GitHub in open source code for 7 months.


Mar 19, 2017
so if it wasn't a backdoor, why did they "patch" it

if it wasn't a backdoor, and they knew about it and was available to everyone to see, why would they patch it, if it wasn't a "backdoor"

it seems very suspicious


New Member
Apr 25, 2017
because they realize the feature could be abused if someone got in control of the domain, and it was incomplete/poorly implemented.

It was originally setup as a way to remotely manage your miner, but the software never came to be and this is some sloppy leftover code.

Joel Dalais

Mar 9, 2017
You're buying into the illusion that Jihan or Roger are in charge of anything BU (or anyone after larger blocks) is doing. Even if it turned out Jihan and Roger were actually aliens after world domination there would still be people opposing segwit and after bigger blocks.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
@bitbee99 intent and motive and ability go hand in hand.

If we had no transaction limit and 70% of the hash rate was turned off, the network should continue at the exacts same transaction capacity, what would change is the rate that blocks were produced, and the number of transactions in the block and the time to confirm a transaction.

This threat has shone more light on the fact that we should not have a transaction limit. 100% of the hash rate that is provided to secure bitcoin is voluntary - it is not guaranteed, it can be turn off at any time.

Antbleed is a name given to a feature that was extensively requested by miners when ASIC's were first introduced in 2013 there were lots of devastating thefts. How the feature was designed was very wrong, it's a centralized system that can fall into the wrong hands. Fortunately the hackers are not competent enough to actually execute a MITM an attack, they actually required you to point the device at an IP in their control.

The criticism of such a bug is positive, the response to fixing it is also positive. Antminers have 70% market share they could have refused to fix the bug and given a bunch or reasons to keep it and made it more secure but instead they chose disable it - the best possible outcome.

The developers on the other hand have control of the software client used on the network, they insist on keeping one of bitcoins most devastating bugs - a transaction limit, they console the software that makes that bug dangerous, they just keep making up reasons to keep a transaction limit in place.

stay skeptical, keep rational.
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Active Member
Mar 29, 2016
i'm not convinced, those are some vage excuses,

it's very suspicious, very very suspicious

The feature is designed to be used in the case of someone stealing an ASIC, say an employee or a criminal breaking in. How else could you deal with this problem of theft, without a remote server running code on the ASIC mining device? I think this community handled it well, there was suspicion, then understanding of the issue, and now people are moving on as it is understood to be a typical bug. What's a real joke is that other manufacturers have the same feature, as the community requested it but they don't sell their devices so it's a different issue in many ways.

What's a sadder joke, is that this is a discussion that should be had in a civil way. There are likely many common features from other software projects that don't make sense for Bitcoin. I wonder how many more tech exploit media bombs we'll see before the blocksize gets raised.