Is Coinmitted a scam? I'm the developer who got scammed by them.


New Member
Dec 6, 2018
I'm wondering if there's any way I could recover my losses? Please do not hesitate to let me know if you know how... I can't thank you enough. Here's my story:

I am the main developer for this app (backend, iOS and Android) from scratch - John Coles uses fake historical trading results, and cheated me on my development fees.

Sometime back in July, he engaged me on Fiverr to develop Coinmitted - an app that lets users to "invest" money with his cryto-currency trading. After a couple of small jobs, he then suggested that he is lacking in funds and will get huge investments after he launches Coinmitted.

Initially I rejected this idea, but our working relationship has been very pleasant. He has proven to be very sincere and passionate with his dreams. He even sent me a signed contract, awarding me 10% share for this project, promising $5,000 bonus upon launch, and a monthly maintainece job at $2,000.

The offer, coupled with his sincerity and mutual understanding, was too good to refuse. It was a dream come through for a developer - you worked with an inspired entrepreneur when he was unknown, and help him build his path to success. I was too naive to even consider I would be cheated out of this.

Few months down the road, something fishy happened. He instructed me to upload the "stats" for his historical trading results, but there were just plain numbers - 20% profit in July 2018, etc. While not well-versed as a trader, I doubt the authenticity of such figures. I asked him for the back up for these stats and he didn't have any. He said people in the industry all do the same.

I didn't give much thoughts to it (I was never good with finances so it didn't occur to me as a scam until now), and continue to work on the project. While we agreed to complete the project within 1 month initially, he continuously requested new features to the app - which resulted the total development time to about 5 months.

Having primarily focus on Coinmitted, I have not taken up other projects and rely solely on my savings. He knew that too, and has done a very good work keeping me motivated with things like:

"Well done bro, we will make it big once its launched. You can depend on me."
"Don't worry bro, I'll ensure you get your bonus!"
"You'll be the CTO for my company"

The nightmare started, ironically, after the app is launched in December 5th 2018. Instead of the promised $5000, he sent me $800 via his "admin" Susanna. Whenever I asked him about the bonus, he'd then give excuses like "under verification", "I've called Susanna but she is not responding" and "Nothing I can do until Susanna sends it".

To make matter worse, I just receive a paypal dispute to that $800 he sent me this morning. Yes, he blocked me off from Slack (where most of our conversation occurred), remove my rights from Heroku, and finally raised a fxxking dispute. For all the work I've done for him for 5 months, he refused to pay me a single cent.

He cheated me out of my hardwork and above all, trust.

Now I am wondering, would you entrust your money to someone like this? He wouldn't even pay "a friend" who worked hard for him, what do you think he would do with your money? Coinmitted is a scam. So does the people behind it.

For any of you who wanted proofs about our conversation or the signed contract, feel free to PM me. I've managed to take all screenshots before he blocked me in Slack.

You've been warned.

TL; DR: Coinmitted and the guys behind it cheated by posting fake historical results before December 2018, scammed me out of my hardwork to develop the app for him.

Coinmitted is officially registered in UK, the owner is John Ollie Coles. Partner is Oliver Mark William.