I will fallow core to bitcoins final death.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016
Altho i do not agree with cores vision for scaling bitcoin ( why should we try to make the world's financial settlement layer run on a raspberry pie?? ) I am prepared to follow them in their quest to improve bitcoin for 2 reasons

1) They offer an effective block size increase as early as april and appear to be willing to ( extremely slowly ) raise block size 1 step at a time ( always one or two step behind actual block space demand ).
2) I dont feel i have much choice, all i can do is make some noise hoping more miners will switch to the classic scaling vision.

Just say'n I want Classic to prevail, but there's not much else I or anyone else can really do about the current situation... is there?
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New Member
Dec 31, 2015
You can always abandon the ship, Adam. That's the only and true freedom bitcoin[tech] brought to the world...

If we not make us fail on our own (and learn from it) someone else will do it.

I don't believe in bitcoin maximalism any more. Why shouldn't there be a healthy ecosystem of coins representing different aspects of life/nature? Such an ecosystem of monies would be much more decentralized and resilient than ONE coin to rule them all. I even think it's a flaw in bitcoiners thinking, that bitcoin maximalism is a goal to aim for.

Is it really about the unit of account becoming the reference standard? Isn't it more about freedom of choice?

Doesn't a "stable" price in ONE reference currency just represent a lazy attitude of the economic majority to the highly complex process of price formation?

Do we really need price stability/ ONE reference in a digital world?


Active Member
Aug 30, 2015
We will have a 2MB situation one way or the other. Core giving up, people compile their own core changing 1000000 to 2000000, classic, unlimited, xt, something new. The minds have changed. It's just that some people are slow. Some are slow because they are careful, some are just slow. You don't need to hurry either, just go classic in the next few days, like everybody else.
[doublepost=1457952134][/doublepost]I am running one classic 0.12.0 and one unlimited 0.12.0 on the same machine. If I remember correctly:

  • Create a second user on the linux
  • Create .bitcoin/bitcoin.conf with port and rpcport (different from standard ports)
  • When you start, copy the suggested rpcuser user and rpcpassword to the config file
  • Start again

Zangelbert Bingledack

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I don't believe in bitcoin maximalism any more. Why shouldn't there be a healthy ecosystem of coins representing different aspects of life/nature? Such an ecosystem of monies would be much more decentralized and resilient than ONE coin to rule them all. I even think it's a flaw in bitcoiners thinking, that bitcoin maximalism is a goal to aim for.
Bitcoin protocol maximalism? Sure, that's pointless.

Bitcoin ledger maximalism? That's everything, because investment and store of value function is the driving force behind cryptocurrency. There is no reason to scrap ledgers every time a team or tech needs changing. If there were, cryptocurrency would be a dead concept.
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67 speedqueen

Mar 13, 2016
... Why shouldn't there be a healthy ecosystem of coins representing different aspects of life/nature? Such an ecosystem of monies would be much more decentralized and resilient than ONE coin to rule them all. I even think it's a flaw in bitcoiners thinking, that bitcoin maximalism is a goal to aim for.
Mainly because it makes life difficult, or, as JJG would put it,
"allowing for transacting in multiple currencies makes for less frictionless, which is to say more frictionful, commerce. Such commerce, being rife with frictions (due to the lacking trans-currency fungiability and reduction in the general level of convenience within the cryptosphere in question), may stifle the disruptivisation of today's socioeconomic landscape and hinder the influx of onboarders into the multi-crypto space."

In peoplespeak:
If you have 3 gasolinecoins and 20 applecoins and 7 newspaper coins in your wallet, and you need to buy a loaf of bread, you will have to go to a money changer first. The money that's simpler to use (money that buys gas and apples and bread) is better.
Is it really about the unit of account becoming the reference standard? Isn't it more about freedom of choice?
It's about both. "Freedom of choice" implies that the choices are meaningful & attractive. Having a wallet full of, basically, gift cards that some stores take & others do not is not that.
Doesn't a "stable" price in ONE reference currency just represent a lazy attitude of the economic majority to the highly complex process of price formation?
Yes. So does using a high-level computer language instead of coding in assembler, and using computers in general. Lazy is often best, because making things pointlessly difficult is pointless.
Do we really need price stability/ ONE reference in a digital world?
No. We also don't need to be happy, smart, or have a thriving economy. OTOH, we become more attractive to others if we have those things.
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