How will Exorde Work?


New Member
Sep 28, 2022
Let's start by thinking of Exorde as a beehive. A hive is full of bees that share different tasks. Let's imagine that the person looking for information is the queen of the hive. 🐝
Some bees are going to be the ones to gather information from the flowers and bring it back to the hive. ℹ
Once the information has arrived, other bees will look to see if the information made sense about the request made and if so, they will transform it into honey to bring it to the queen. The irrelevant information will still be stored in the hive and some bees will later go to this repository to see if any information corresponds to this new request. And so the process of selection and validation of the information will continue. 📝

We have seen here three types of bees, the queen being the person looking for information, then the bees that will look for the information and those that validate it. The queen, if she has a specific request, will have to pay the hive in EXD to have access to the information she wants. The bees that collect the information will be paid in EXD, and the validators will be paid in a token that will not be transferable and that will probably be named "reputation".

This reputation will be used to vote on the strategic and operational decisions of the future Exorde DAO. We do not want to create a plutocracy and only allocate power to the richest. Instead, we want to create a meritocracy and let the most active members of the Exorde community decide what is best for the future of the hive.

Of course, bees paid in EXD will be able to trade their tokens in another cryptocurrency. You should know that there will be 30k EXD earned every day, so the bee that brings back the most relevant information will win the most. So, no, just because you bring in a lot of information doesn't mean you'll get paid the most. 💸
The more information you want to give to the hive, the more EXD you should have stacked.
This way we will avoid overflow and increase the quality of work of our bees. 😎

Ethereum'un yaratıcısı Vitalic, belirteçlerden başka bir şeye dayalı daha fazla DAO görmek istediğini söyledi. Yerine koyacağımız bir şey.
