- Mar 26, 2025
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For immediate refund requests, call Expedia’s 24/7 customer service at:

✔ Cancel flights, hotels, and vacation packages
✔ Request a refund status update
✔ Speak with a live agent for assistance

If your booking is eligible for a refund, you can request it through your Expedia account:

For non-urgent refund inquiries, use Expedia’s live chat support:

✔ Visit Expedia’s Help Center on their website.
✔ Click on Live Chat and start a conversation.
✔ Provide your booking reference number and refund request details.

For non-urgent refund requests, you can email Expedia’s support team.

✔ Subject: "Refund Request for Booking #XXXXX"
✔ Include your booking confirmation number
✔ Attach supporting documents (e.g., cancellation confirmation, airline/hotel refund policy)

✔ Refundable Tickets – Full refund if canceled before departure.
✔ Non-Refundable Tickets – Credit may be issued for future travel.
✔ Cancellation Within 24 Hours of Booking – Free cancellation for most flights.

✔ Free Cancellation Hotels – Full refund if canceled before the deadline.
✔ Non-Refundable Hotels – No refund unless the hotel allows exceptions.

✔ Prepaid Car Rentals – Refunds depend on the rental company’s policy.
✔ Pay at Pickup Rentals – No charges if canceled before pickup.

✔ Flight + Hotel Packages – Refundable if each service provider allows it.
✔ All-Inclusive Deals – Subject to cancellation policies of airlines and hotels.

Payment Method
Refund Processing Time
Credit/Debit Card 5-10 business days
PayPal 5-7 business days
Expedia Credit/Voucher Instant to 24 hours

✔ Cancel within 24 hours of booking for free refunds on most flights.
✔ Book refundable hotels and flights to avoid cancellation fees.
✔ Call Expedia at (+1 ↔ 808 ↔ 900 ↔ 8011) for urgent refunds.
✔ Save all cancellation emails for reference.

It depends on your ticket type—call Expedia to check eligibility.

Refunds usually process within 5-10 business days but may vary based on the provider.

In some cases, Expedia may offer travel credits or exceptions—call (+1 ↔ 808 ↔ 900 ↔ 8011) to explore your options.

Yes, most bookings qualify for a full refund within 24 hours of purchase.

Getting a refund from Expedia is possible, but refund eligibility depends on the airline, hotel, or service provider’s policy. The best way to request a refund quickly is to call Expedia at (+1 ↔ 808 ↔ 900 ↔ 8011).