History of BU


Feb 19, 2017
Hi everyone,

I'm doing a short article on how BU emerged based on @theZerg mentioning in a podcast a little bit about the history of how he came to be a lead dev with BU. I'm just looking for people to maybe provide some comments saying what it was like when you all first met, what the goals were, and so on?



Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
We have not all met. :)

you can start reading bout here for BU history: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=68655.msg12141828#msg12141828

The founding BU members all came from that Gold Collapsing Bitcoin Up thread. - It was a very popular thread discussing bitcoin and investing in bitcoin. - It was heavily trolled, we didn't know it then but brg444 was a paid Blockstream shill.

This post by @Peter R was probably the one that sparked the grass roots effort that evolved into BU. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=68655.msg12174446#msg12174446 -

It was most notably a movement born out of frustration, Core seemed to have failed in assessing the merits of BIP101. It became evident that Core had no rational method for resolving ideological and political differences in developer preferences.

The discussion evolved and the concept took form I felt the solutions to block size being discussed were better than any proposals being debated by developers at the time - and then the thread was locked by Theymos - and a weeks worth of discussion deleted. About a week later this forum started - and the Gold Collapsing Bitcoin Up thread continued on this forum www.bitco.in/forum. - the rest of the story is documents here: https://bitco.in/forum/threads/gold-collapsing-bitcoin-up.16/ looking at the thread we were more focused on other things when we got back together.

@theZerg put the ball in motion - looking at the number of post "likes" it was not well received. https://bitco.in/forum/threads/gold-collapsing-bitcoin-up.16/page-15#post-537

then https://bitco.in/forum/threads/bitcoinxt-dispute-resolution-etc.36/

BU seemed to get momentum when BIP100 offered to give more control to miners by giving them a vote where BIP101 held them in check and forced them to compete without clouding.


One of the first people who offers to run a BU node, if theZerg coded it up.

First proposal for the concept: if you read on from here you get a good feel for the members who contributed.

things moved very quickly after this.

my first contribution:
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