Free organizer for Bounty Hunters


New Member
Aug 6, 2018
0 is a free organizer for bounty hunters who helps in organizing assignments for selected projects and reporting. The organizer contains a list of actual bounty projects that are updated daily and updated.

We will write about the most interesting projects here


New Member
Aug 6, 2018
New bounty campign - SGAT is one of the first decentralized smart-contracts and blockchain-based platform. While focusing on enhanced privacy and maintaining the transparency and security of their blockchain, they offer comprehensive and tailor-made transactions. Their ambition is to offer innovative smart-contracts solutions adapted to the challenges of today’s industries. This bounty campaign will end in the end of September
[doublepost=1533727736,1533726874][/doublepost]We added one more bounty campaign to our website. Republia is a decentralized ecosystem, which within one project combines blockchain technology services that are in demand. The ecosystem is based on an innovative technology, which, in turn, based on self-developed blockchain. This bounty campaign will end on 23 of December.


New Member
Aug 6, 2018
Added new Bounty to our website MonetaryCoin is the first cryptocurrency to implement a macro-econometric oracle feature to endogenously govern its own maximum supply once forged (i.e. mined) to an initial limit. A MonetaryCoin may exist for each country or currency area that reliably reports GDP, and is initially calibrated to not more than 1% of the “M2” money supply so as not to disturb the ability of a central bank to target price stability and full employment.
This bounty will end on the 31 of December.
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New Member
Aug 6, 2018
Here Bounty is a very promising project LEONARDO RENDER is no special HYIP, but experienced Hunter the liquidity of the bounty will be obvious:
1. The project implements the idea, which currently has great needs in improving the technology and optimizing the rendering process itself - the project satisfies the needs in RENDERING (visualization, rendering of the 3d image).
2. The finished product really exists and it can be found on the project's website (there is a test by 3d designers, the final release of the product in September 2018).
3. Token LEOS-ERC-20 to use the token, to be able to get render tasks for the GPU owners, to pay for the work on the rendering (described in pp).
4. The command - strong enough in the field of IT and rendering - check up on a site.
5. Blocking is used to enable owners of GPU (miners) to use their power, get jobs and most importantly - use the platform in a more profitable way than ordinary mining.


New Member
Aug 6, 2018
Added new bounty to our website Vion is the essence of the project is to create a chain of specialized electric charging stations for freight electric transport in the United States (in the future, the list of territories may be expanded in the framework of the project).