Finding the Truth, Exorde


New Member
Sep 28, 2022
The big challenge of any new tech – especially one like Exorde, which is unprecedented - is accurately communicating what it is and what it aims to achieve.

It’s inevitable that some people are going to look at Exorde from a mile up and assume it’s another corporation making a grab for data.

Not only is that grossly untrue, it’s also impossible given the decentralised nature of our project.

In the early days of the Internet one of the big challenges was who owns the information out there and to what level it should be controlled.

Today, that issue is moot.

In 2022 there is so much information (approx. 8 billion gigabytes of new content PER DAY), freely available, that the new challenge is how to make sense of what’s out there and how to tell the difference between real and fake or true and false or accurate and flawed.

The battle to make information freely available is mostly over. Information on just about anything the human mind can imagine is a Google search away.

The real challenge now is how to find the needle of truth in a haystack the size of a galaxy.