Exorde: The Battle to Set Information Free


New Member
Sep 27, 2022
Exorde Takes Up The Challenge
Exorde recently raised over a million dollars from its first round of funding to tackle this information challenge. Its goal is nothing less than the creation of a technology that assesses the entire flow of information on the Internet and produces neutral, unbiased analyses.
If successful, Exorde will make it possible to research any subject and obtain current, complete, unfiltered information that is not skewed by geography, ideology or resources.
To achieve this end, Exorde identified six necessary elements:
To remove any bias from the technology, it’s necessary to use a decentralization protocol that spreads its activity across a network of independent computers. This makes it extremely difficult for any individual or company to be able to manipulate the results for their own ends. This even extends to the subjects the Exorde protocol researches, allowing anyone with an interest in a subject to use the tool independently.
To gather the most recent information on a given subject, in its entirety, across the entire web, requires a huge amount of resources. Blockchain technology makes this possible by spreading the load across a network of contributors and validators and financially rewarding participants with EXD tokens.
Once information is gathered, it is critical that the source be independently verified to remove irrelevant material. The Exorde protocol includes this critical step and adds a “reputation” element so that responsible and effective contributors can be set apart from any bad actors.
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Even with a large group of contributors using the Exorde protocol, the volume of data will be too great to review manually. NLP can be used, not only to identify subject relevance, but also to assess the tone of each piece of information (e.g. positive, fearful, neutral, etc).
The maintenance and growth of the Exorde project will necessitate that it generates income. While the long-term goal of the Exorde protocol is to make accurate information on ANY subject available to anyone with an interest, in the short-term, a program called the Exorde Index will allow the business to create revenue by providing information that will be useful to investors and business owners. Assessing current moods and attitudes towards specific cryptocurrencies, publicly-traded companies and brands, for example, has many marketable applications.
Open Source
Every element of the Exorde protocol AND the data it collects will be published openly and made available without charge. This is essential to prevent anyone now, or in the future, from tampering with or withholding data. There is nothing to stop, for instance, any other person or business from creating their own information gathering products using the Exorde protocol, and indeed we welcome anyone interested in exploring this.

Website: exorde.network/
Telegram: t.me/exorde
Discord: discord.com/invite/SSy9wHuPcA