Exorde Labs — The Story So Far… (or how we helped the entire world set information free)


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Dec 29, 2022
On 15th February 2023, Exorde Labs launched their utility token, the EXD. This marks the moment in which the Exorde protocol becomes a reality and the way in which the world collects information changes forever.
If you’ve been following our journey, you likely already know much of what we’ve accomplished, but if you’re only recently joining us (perhaps because you’ve heard the noise building up around our launch), let’s get you up to speed on events such as…
  • Planning for the next pandemic
  • Taking on the social media giants
  • Accurately predicting the price movement of crypto
  • Re-imagining the future of search (Hint: it’s not ChatGPT)
  • Permanently changing the way the world does market research
Let’s get started…
“Current, Complete, Unfiltered Information”
The original idea for Exorde was built around the idea of finding the root causes of misinformation. However, it quickly became clear that not only was this an unrealistic goal, it was actually too SMALL an ideal.
The real challenge is obtaining accurate, meaningful information in an age where Internet traffic comfortably hits 8 billion gigabytes a day.
The solution Exorde imagined and has now created, is a decentralised network of contributors and validators, all over the world, crawling millions of pages of information in a relatively short window of time, and using natural language processing to interpret the results.
Exorde, when running at full capacity makes it possible to anonymously “research any subject and obtain current, complete, unfiltered information that is not skewed by geography, ideology or resources.
The only way to accomplish this Herculean feat is through the blockchain, using a utility token to incentivise people to donate computer processing power.
More information on the lofty ideals of the Exorde Labs project, and the methodology behind the technology can be found at…
ARTICLE: Exorde: The Battle to Set Information Free
The Next Pandemic?
There’s a 50/50 chance that another global pandemic, as deadly as COVID, will occur within the next 25 years. Tackling the next one more effectively than the chaos of the last few years is the perfect job for Exorde.
The COVID pandemic, and the subsequent vaccine roll-out, resulted in, arguably, one of the largest floods of misinformation the Internet has ever seen. Made even more difficult by the substantial differences in public attitudes and government policies from country to country.
From tracking symptoms of a virus across borders, to monitoring the spread of conspiracy theories, to tracking vaccine side-effects, Exorde offers a multitude of ways for experts to gather valuable data, virtually in real time, across multiple geographic areas.
Maybe it won’t happen, but if another pandemic does happen in our lifetime, we believe Exorde will provide a service that can genuinely save lives.
More information on how Exorde can help during a pandemic, whether global or local, can be found at:
ARTICLE: 4 Ways Exorde Will Be Essential During the Next Pandemic
Protecting Free Speech
In recent years we’ve seen…
  • Government agencies using private firms to censor, so-called, misinformation
  • A sitting president blocked from using Google, Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest
  • Amazon blocking an entire social media platform
Whether or not you believe such actions are warranted or egregious, there’s no denying that finding a balance between necessary censorship (to protect people from illegal or dangerous content) and protecting free speech on the internet is one of the great challenges of our age.
“…transparency is key. And since some governments and some private organisations cannot be trusted to act in this arena in a genuinely disinterested manner, it is critical that we have a way to monitor censorship and that ANYBODY with the mind to do so can get involved.”
To learn more about how Exorde can track censorship and ensure transparent reporting of the results, go to…
ARTICLE: The Rise of Social Media Censorship
The Exorde Index — Predicting the Future of Bitcoin
There are plenty of tools out there for monitoring the movement of financial markets, but Exorde takes things a stage further by attempting to predict price fluctuations before the significant trades take place.
The Exorde Index has the ability to track virtually any subjects, “from brands to movies to political opinions.” But we’ve started with a single commercial test case: Bitcoin
Our engine gathers social media comments connected to Bitcoin and then uses natural language processing and AI to determine whether the prevailing attitude is likely to result in price movement up, down or sideways.
If the Exorde Index is successful it should be able to predict results better than random chance (i.e. 50%). At the time of writing, our Bitcoin tracker is at an impressive 62%.
As the Exorde Index network grows and information is gathered faster and in greater quantities, we fully expect the accuracy to increase.
More information on how the Bitcoin Investor Tool works can be found at…
ARTICLE: The Exorde Index — Bitcoin Investor Tool Launches
The Exorde Index tool itself can be accessed free of charge at http://exorde.io/bitcoin.
Changing Market Research Forever
Market research is invaluable for commercial and social projects, and the internet (combined with AI) has made it possible to carry out research in more detail and with more accuracy than at any time in human history.
Where it struggles, however, is gathering and interpreting information quickly, as well as ensuring a sufficiently broad range of views.
This is where Exorde — no exaggeration — is about to change the world forever.
Set the Exorde Index working on any subject (a brand, a new movie, a new video game, a politician, a celebrity), and within hours you can learn what the prevailing opinions are (such as annoyance, sadness, approval, joy, admiration, etc.) across the entire world.
It’s also possible to target this information geographically, as well as (and this is huge) in different languages.
“…in terms of speed, accuracy, detail and affordability, (Exorde) is going to change market research forever.”
To learn more the Exorde Index and the underlying protocol, go to…
ARTICLE: How Web3 Will Change the Way Brands Perform Market Research
Search Engines Need Rebooting
ChatGPT has fired up the search engines who have, some might say, become complacent about the dominance of their technologies.
Aside from some, admittedly very useful, bells and whistles, search engines have changed little over the years. But it’s not clear whether AI tools, such as ChatGPT are going to produce the kinds of changes that are really needed.
ChatGPT’s data is far from current, and fact-checking is still a major concern across the entire technology. At the time of writing, Google has just landed a sizeable egg on its face by releasing a demo of their competing service that featured a significant factual inaccuracy.
More pressing needs, in terms of improving search engines, are allowing room for genuine privacy, more transparency around content censoring and the notorious filter bubbles.
Exorde is not a search engine and has no ambitions to become one, but it does offer an alternative way to crawl internet content with fewer limitations and even a greater reach.
“And because it runs on the blockchain, anyone can utilise this tool without restriction, and with total anonymity.”
To learn more about how and why Exorde can go places that other search engines can’t reach, go to…

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