Empire Hotels

Renato D

New Member
Feb 11, 2019
Empire Hotels unique and sophisticated blockchain app that will disrupt the hospitality industry with lower fees and safer and more secure way to book the hotel rooms all around the world. It is set to be a breakthrough in the hospitality industry, revolutionizing the way the hotel booking works.

The unique selling point for the app is the full engagement the can be done via the app- from the moment when the room is chosen to be booked till the check out.

With Empire Hotels app you can:

*Check-in and check-out by touching your phone

*Food menu (notes sent straight to the chef's screen)

*Live chat with the hotel

*Live bill - no surprises!!




*Booking a table

*Bell service


Empire cash, the main token for the app, will allow a booking with 0% fee. However, in the future EMPC is envisioned to be integrated and traded between other platforms that will solve on one the biggest questions for crypto-skeptical people- cashing out. EMPC being used in other platforms within the ecosystem, will allow people not to worry about changing crypto to fiat, but instead use crypto to pay for goods and services.