Emercoin - Secure, distributed blockchain business services


New Member
Aug 11, 2018
About Emercoin

Emercoin is an emerging leader in secure, distributed blockchain business services. With many companies using Emercoin technology, both the Emercoin team and the broader developer community has maintained and developed services for the public Emercoin Blockchain, which uses the Emercoin cryptocurrency (EMC) to perform a variety of services.

Offering some of the most innovative, real-world solutions, the Emercoin Blockchain is a premier public blockchain for secure, decentralized business operations.

Emercoin’s Name-Value Storage is a simple yet powerful concept that allows you to store arbitrary data within the blockchain. This has already allowed a range of distributed services, from a decentralized network.

Although Emercoin supports traditional PoW mining and merged mining with Bitcoin, its main mechanism is Proof-of-Stake mining. This eliminates the “arm’s race” for mining capacity.

Emercoin will never sacrifice security for flexibility. Unlike “smart” contracts, which have already caused multi-million scams and security compromising in the past, Emercoin’s NVS logic is not Turing-complete and cannot be used to write malicious code.

Services available on the emercoin blockchain
Emercoin’s blockchain supports a variety of business operations and services, including:
  • EmerDNS
  • EmerSSH
  • EmerDPO
  • EmerLNX
  • EmerSSL
  • and others
You can read about other benefits of emercoin.