Dating Network on Blockchain - Safely exchanging users and splitting revenue


New Member
Mar 7, 2018
Hi everyone! We plan on launching Dating Network on Blockchain. This is the system that will help dating entrepreneurs tackle the difficulties that they face, from user database growth to promotion, from fighting off fakes to earning extra income.

What this is all about:
The number of Internet users is growing year-on-year, as is the number of people who meet each other online. We want to help both the experienced dating site owners and the newcomers in the online dating industry to solve the problems they encounter.


(1) Experienced owners of an online dating business:
-assume repeated expenses in attempts to attract more new site members,
-need a way to engage existing users and cut down on the churn, and
-face difficulties fighting dating criminals and ensuring the security of their dating site members.

(2) Newcomers in the online dating industry:
-find it hard to attract the first few thousands of members and to gain traction,
-have to invest a lot of money and resources in the site promotion, and
-need to guarantee security to their dating site members.

(3) The Dating Pro Network Platform:
-requires financing to keep improving the project and to move it to the blockchain in order to provide better security and better monetization tools, and
-requires financing to promote the Network and attract more new partners (online dating entrepreneurs).

Dating Pro Network is a community of independent dating website owners who engage in the site members exchange without giving away sensitive information such as email addresses and passwords. This is its structure explained:

User from partner site A will appear on partner sites B, C, and D after they download the user’s photos and basic profile info from the Network database.

This is a short description of the Dating Pro Network API in its current form:

Why blockchain?


The system will use special tokens as the Network’s internal currency that the service members will use to pay for different services. Dating Pro Network will collect a commission from every user’s payment and will split the revenue among the Network and the Network partners who (a) brought the user to the system originally, and (b) were instrumental in inspiring them to pay. For example, a user from partner site A has paid to be able to contact another user from partner site B, and both partner websites get to earn a share of this payment.

The site users will be able to both purchase the internal currency and earn it by certain activities such as inviting friends, moderating user content, and more. This will also help engage the users and make them want to spend more time on the website.

Extra profit:

The blockchain technology will help accurately and reliably store the information about the users, including their ‘parent’ website - the site they originally came from. The ‘parent’ site owners can claim a share of the profit from every payment their user makes, even on other partner websites within the Network.


If a user decides to delete their profile from one website, the info will be deleted from every site in the Network that also added this user to their database. It helps to make sure that there are no ‘ghost’ profiles in the Network.
People’s sensitive personal data will not be stored openly but will be encrypted.

User verification:

The system will verify new profiles in a number of ways, including but not limited to:
asking for a recent selfie photo made with a web camera or a smartphone camera; taking a sample of user’s voice; verifying phone number; cross-checking user’s actual location; and so on. These methods will help guarantee that one and the same person can only create a profile once, eradicating mass registrations by bots.

Future state

(1) Experienced owners of an online dating business:

-exchange users with other Network partners by uploading and downloading profiles to and from the database,
-make use of special tools to increase user engagement by letting users earn,
-let their site members communicate with the members from other partner sites seamlessly, as if they were members of one and the same site,
-earn extra income from related payments,
-block fake registrations right from the start, and
-keep their database of members up to date.

(2) Newcomers in the online dating industry:
-receive a ready set of members’ profiles from the Network database which makes it easier to get started and attract more new visitors,
-enjoy the benefits of other partners’ expertise in promotion and in bringing in new users,
-earn extra income from related payments,
-block fake registrations even before they happen, and
-receive best practice advice on how to gain traction and increase conversion based on the overall Network statistics.

(3) The Dating Pro Network Platform receives the financing that is needed to move the project to the blockchain, to keep improving it and to promote it.

Thank you for reading. We will very much appreciate your feedback!