Cryptosnake Tournaments


New Member
Aug 26, 2021
In many countries, including, for example, the United States and South Korea, esports is already officially considered a sport. In computer games, a lot of competitions are held with impressive prize funds. And Cryptosnake is one of those games.

In addition to the fact that you can earn cryptocurrency while playing the classic snake from the nineties-zero in Cryptosnake, you can also monetize your skills by participating in tournaments. Do you consider yourself a pro in Snake? Prove it in a fair competition with our other players. The strongest will win!
Once every few months or more often, large-scale tournaments with an impressive prize pool are held in Cryptosnake. Winners in these tournaments can earn up to several thousand BUSD simply for being good at playing snake. Such tournaments are announced in advance and often last several days. Examples of such tournaments in Cryptosnake are Dasypeltis Mini Battle and Black Mamba Training Camp.


Who can participate: Dasypeltis snakes with TVL: at least 5000 SNK. Competitions last 22 hours. The results are summed up a few hours later on the day the tournament ends. The winner is the player whose snake collects the most pixels in the arena in 5 game sessions. The number of cuts is not taken into account!
There is only one winner. He gets a prize of 1000 BUSD. All participants who earn SNK during the game keep their profit.

This was a description of the tournament that took place at the end of December 2021. There will be no more such tournament, but others will be even more ambitious and interesting.

By the way, large-scale Intergalactic Black Mamba competitions with a prize pool of 18,000 BUSD + 26,800 SNK are also planned for spring 2022.

Hundreds of players participate in such competitions, so you need to practice well to qualify for a prize. But the reward is appropriate. However, by participating in such competitions, the player does not lose anything. After all, the coins earned in the arena during the competition remain with the player.

In between global tournaments, mini-competitions are also regularly held on Discord. Such mini-tournaments are held once a week or more often. Usually in the evening after a weekday. The Cryptosnake team tries to schedule competitions at different times so that all players, regardless of the schedule, can try themselves.
Here are examples of competitions that have already taken place.


To participate in the black mamba, you need to send 110 SNK (100 SNK for the prize pool + 10 SNK fee) to the wallet specified in the contest description and send in response to the transaction hash message.

1 Discord account = 1 hash on 110SNK = 1 game session (1 try) on Black Mamba

Draw! At the specified time, submited participants will be randomly divided into 3–5 groups depending on the number of participants.
Players play in turn: one player from each team, then the second and so on until the last player from the team.
Each player from the team plays only one game session, trying to collect the maximum amount of SNK for his team according to the classic rules
“The game session continues until the end of the game time, or until the first collision with the edge of the arena, or with one’s own body, or until the game ends independently.
If a player crashes into the box, then his result is 0 SNK and he will not earn points for his team.

Prize pool = from 1000 SNK from the Cryptosnake team + 100 SNK from each participant.
Only the one team that collects the most SNKs in total will win! The prize money will be divided equally between the players of the team. One player of the team will be included in the White List, at the choice of the majority of the players of the winning team.


To participate in the Black Mamba Moscow time, send 110 SNK (100 SNK for the prize pool + 10 SNK fee) to the wallet specified in the conditions, and send the hash of the transaction in response to the message.

1 Discord account = 1 hash per 110 SNK = 1 game session (1 try) on Black Mamba

Whoever submits for the competition first will be the last to compete. Whoever submits last, respectively, will be forced to play first. The last players have an advantage, as they have more time to assess their opponents and prepare.
Competitions are held in Discord with screen sharing.

The number of SNKs will determine three winners collected in 1 game session on the Black Mamba until the end of the game or until the first collision with the edge of the game arena or with one’s own body, or until the game ends on its own.

Minesweeper makes only one mistake! Therefore, if a player crashes into a box or a bomb in the arena, then his result = 0 SNK, and he is eliminated from the tournament.
Thus, you can crash only 1 time into the edge of the arena or your own body — The game ends with this, fixing the result of the received SNK.
The prize pool is 1000 SNK from the Cryptosnake team plus 100 SNK from each participant.

The prize fund is distributed as follows:
1st place = 50% of the prize fund
2nd place = 30% of the prize pool
3rd place = 20% of the prize pool
When getting the same result, the prize fund is divided equally between the players. For example, it turned out two first places (each will receive 40%), and third place will receive 20%


Competitions are held on Discord with screen sharing.

After the draw, all players will be divided into 3 groups and then there will be 2 stages

Stage 1: only one winner will be determined in each of the 3 groups
by the number of SNKs collected in 1 game session on Black Mamba until the end of the game or until the second collision with the edge of the arena, or with your own body (that is, you can crash once, but no more), or until the game ends on your own.
Eating a box in the arena, or colliding with the edge of the arena or with your own body for the second time in a game = 0 SNK.

Stage 2: the winners from each group compete for prizes in the following order: the player with the most SNK in Stage 1 starts and the player with the least SNK ends.
First, second and third places are determined by the number of SNKs collected in 1 game session on Black Mamba until the end of the game time or until the game ends on its own.

Eating the box in the arena, colliding with the edge or with your own body (even once) = end the game with a result of 0 SNK.
And this is not a complete list of mini-competitions that took place in Discord. Tournaments are held regularly, and new chips and rules are constantly being invented to make it more interesting to play.

Where to watch the competition?

Competitions are held on our server
Recordings of streams and competitions can be viewed on

How to take part in the Cryptosnake tournament

To participate, you must first have a suitable snake. How to get a snake and start playing, we wrote in this manual. Usually, snakes of the Black Mamba participate in competitions. However, sometimes it is necessary to have a Dasypeltis snake to participate.
Next, you need to join the Cryptosnake community in Discord. Many tournaments require screen sharing during the game, and you need to share your screen..
All competitions are announced in advance. Keep an eye out for posts in the Announcements and Info chats on our Discord. The larger the competition, the more time is given for preparation. Major tournaments can be announced a month in advance, while smaller competitions can be announced days in advance.

Follow the announcements, read the competition rules and take part. This is your opportunity to earn more than usual in the game.

Will wait!