Collecting questions for Adam Back in Prague


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
Slushpool is inviting Adam Back to a meetup at Paralelni Polnis on April 5.

Let's collect some good, civil questions in case there is opportunity to ask Adam at the meetup.

(one kind soul who can attend has already volunteered to ask some questions)

Slush (/u/slush0 on Reddit) has already given quite a bit of background info in the following thread:
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Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
My first question:

Q: Will Blockstream be paying anyone for work on implementing the HF code which Core is to deliver to Chinese miners as part of the HK "consensus" agreement?

At least one of the other three developers (Corallo) indicated by Luke-jr to be working on it is a BS employee, right?

Peter Todd has estimated the work (2 months x 4 devs) to be worth ~$320K (nevermind the high price, his words).

That's a lot of money - where does the number come from and who is going to put up such money for this development?
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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016
at most you'd calculate 100$/hour regardless of their salary ( you have to pay for the building and supplies and such ) and that comes out to ~120K$ (2 months x 4 devs x full time)


thats insane...


Mar 14, 2016
Do you agree the following is true:

"Placing an arbitrary limit on the number of transactions Bitcoin can handle effectively forces transaction fees to rise. This means any party with the ability to set a limit on transaction numbers has the ability to bias the Bitcoin ecosystem against some types of transactions, and in favour of others, weakening free market mechanisms for price discovery and resource optimization."?

If you do not agree, why? If you do, do you think a centralized model for setting such policy is proper for Bitcoin, and why?

[Perhaps someone else can write this more concisely?]
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Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
AFAIK, no - but I haven't seen the recordings yet.
From April 6 log of :
(tula is the person who attended and to whom I sent the questions)

freetrader 3:03 PM @tula, were you able to ask Adam any of those questions?

tula 3:05 PM the qna session was sadly quite short
3:06 not really any interesting question was asked on record
3:07 however he stayed in the cafe for quite a time
3:09 i tried my best to disrupt the groupthink ..we left after midnight
3:11 additionaly he suggested we continue the debate i sent him some questions by mail already

freetrader 3:12 PM i guess it must have been an interesting discussion in the cafe.
do you know of which portions a recording was made? Those slides of which Tomáš Horváth tweeted a pic - did Adam say anything about releasing the slide set?
3:12 i am referring to this tweet: 3:13 thanks for your efforts btw

tula 3:34 PM releasing slides is one of the questions i sent him, though you can just wait for the video ..the whole presentation is on record
[doublepost=1460010581][/doublepost]I hope we get some more feedback from tula re: the email exchange. And I'm also waiting for the recording to see if some of the points we questioned were touched on.