CoinJanitor Is Now Listed On BitSG


Jul 2, 2019
We are proud to announce that CoinJanitor is now listed on BitSG. This Singapore-based exchange will give JAN holders a new channel to buy and sell their tokens in an entirely new way. The listing took place this past Wednesday, September 25th.

CoinJanitor Community Effort
This listing was made possible by a member of our community. We deeply appreciate his efforts. His initiative and our close relationship with our community members allowed us to navigate the listing process smoothly and effectively. The BitSG listing shows how much our community members care about the project and how attentive and appreciative we are of their efforts to further our cause of cleaning up crypto.

Advantages of Trading JAN on BitSG
There are several advantages about trading JAN on BitSG. The most interesting one is definitely the pair. BitSG listed us under a USDT pair, which allows our holders to trade their JAN for a stablecoin that is pegged – as much as any cryptocurrency can be – to the US Dollar. This allows us to expand the diversity of trading options we can offer for our holders as well as for prospective buyers, of which BitSG has a substantial amount.

How to Trade JAN on BitSG?
If you are interested in buying or selling JAN using USDT, you can follow the link below from a secure connection on your favorite browser:

To start trading all you need to do is to sign up for an account and follow the registration procedure. After your account is approved, you will be able to start trading JAN for USDT.

Additional Listings Will Follow
Now you can trade JAN tokens for USDT on BitSG, as well as for BTC and ETH on SouthXchange and Token.Store respectively, but that doesn’t mean we are done listing on exchanges. We will be looking for opportunities to list on other exchanges. If any members of our community have a way to facilitate our listing like in this case, then it will help us expand our reach faster. There is no replacement for a strong community, and our BitSG listing shows that. We deeply appreciate the effort of our community and in this case, the contribution of one individual who made it possible for everyone interested to trade JAN for USDT on BitSG.