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Jan 11, 2017
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Jan 11, 2017

Tumblebit, a proof-of-concept project aimed at helping with cryptocurrency fungibility and anonymity, is said to be finalizing a platform that would make cryptocurrency transactions surveillance-proof, faster at propagating and unforgeable, while also ensuring efficient scaling. spoke to Ethan Heilman, a research fellow at Boston university and a member of the Tumblebit team, to get a brief description of the project highlighting the brains behind the idea. He told

Tumblebit is a decentralized trustless mixer that works with the bitcoin protocol. Tumblebit is to use RSA assumption and ECDSA security standards. Tumblebit will scale the volume and velocity from the current latency time of 10mins to a proven average of 1.2 seconds. This is tested from transactions between nodes in Boston and New York. Tumblebit was announced on August 29, 2016. The team behind Tumblebit are Ethan Heilman, Leen AlShenibr, Foteini Baldimtsi, Alessandra Scafuro and Sharon Goldberg. Tumblebit was inspired David Chaum’s ecash solution.”

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China is struggling with containing capital flight out of the economy. Due to economic uncertainty, most Chinese investors feel safer investing abroad than in China. The most recent attempt to control capital flight in China has been an attempt to seal off the Bitcoin corridor.

Every country becomes a skeptic if its citizens transfer their wealth to other countries in large volume. The Chinese government is struggling with a grave problem of that caliber. People transfer wealth to another country when they are not sure of the political or economic future of their home country.

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Jan 11, 2017

In 2009 bitcoin hit the electronic currency world by surprise and later captured the attention of the masses and information technology companies. investigates why most people are still too scared to use bitcoin as their main currency for day-to-day business.

In Africa, Asia and South and Central America, there is widespread poverty brought about by underdevelopment and low levels of education.

Bitcoin is a currency of the elite, those who can read and write and those who are connected to the internet which is lacking in most regions in these continents. You can read the full article and take part in the discussion here:


Jan 11, 2017

My name is Alexey Anthonov and I am a private investor in Blockchain projects, as well as a Blockchain tech evangelist in Russia. I’m the director of BCFoundation, the first organisation in Russia to support the development of Blockchain technology. I truly adore different tech innovation startups that can change any part of business, government or society.

Thanks to a massive amount of advertisement and the Russian background of this Australian project, I noticed and became interested in the Chronobank project.

First I decided to understand it, if I’m buying Labour Hours tokens and intend to use them as they were designed – in exchange for someone’s work – who will guarantee the quality of this work? For example, if I buy an hour of babysitting work, I can’t change the quality of this work by varying the price. How do I determine if a babysitter is good or not? Who will monitor the work? Will I have any legal relationship with a Labour-offering company? I have many other questions.

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Jan 11, 2017
19, world cryptocurrency news outlet, investigated the status of regulation in Canada for Bitcoin and blockchain technology. has conducted a 3-part survey to determine what exactly is going on with the regulation of Bitcoin and blockchain technology in Canada. Representatives of one organization, one association, and one bank were interviewed; the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI); the Canadian Bankers Association (CBA); and ATB Financial. They hold different positions on the status of Bitcoin and blockchain regulation in Canada.

The first survey was done with the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI), which is an independent agency of the Canadian Government, established in 1987 to contribute to the safety and soundness of the Canadian financial system. The OSFI regulates federally registered banks subject to federal oversight.

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Jan 11, 2017

Byteball, a Russian cryptocurrency platform based in Moscow, has announced an upcoming distribution of its Bytes crypto tokens. The first round of the distribution took place on Christmas day, December 25, 2016, and the second round is to take place on February 11, 2017, at 00:33 (UTC) hours according to information on Byteball’s website.

In an attempt to move away from the Blockchain technology, which Byteball claims is slow and affected by block size, Byteball has incorporated Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). Which it claims will solve the problems related to block size and propagation time between nodes.

Is Directed Acyclic Graphs Technology better than Bitcoin’s Blockchain Technology?
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Jan 11, 2017

China is losing a good portion of its forex Reserves in, what is considered to be by many people, an attempt to raise the value of the Chinese Yuan. China, which got hit by hard monetary issues through most of 2016, still continues to struggle to completely offset its economic woes.After a series of attempts by the Government of China to put a halt to the capital outflow crisis, things have continued to worsen economically for China. With the forex reserves at six-year low with only $3 Billion, China seems to be heading in a bad economic direction.

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