Can you suggest a good service provider for setting up a bitcoin node on a virtual private server?


Active Member
Nov 22, 2015
I am preparing for the possibility of a distributed denial of service attack hitting BU nodes which support bigger block sizes.

Can any of you suggest a good service provider for setting up a bitcoin node on a virtual private server?

I would prefer a service provider who:
  1. Is willing and able to drop all incoming packets sent from the Tor network before they hit my VPS. The purpose is to protect my BU node.
  2. I would also like to get a log containing ip addresses of all non-tor attackers. The purpose is to find out who the attackers are. Can I expect the service provider to be able to distinguish between ordinary users and attackers or will I have to provide that information myself by looking at log files on the VPS?
  3. Is willing and able to drop all incoming packets sent from non-Tor attackers found in #2 before they hit my VPS. The purpose is to further protect my BU node.
  4. Is not too expensive.
  5. Can preferable be paid with bitcoin.
Any suggestions or comments?