BUIP148: (passed) Ecosystem Outreach & Marketing for BU & On-chain Scaling 2


Aug 17, 2016
BUIP148: Ecosystem Outreach & Marketing for BU & On-chain Scaling 2
Submitted by singularity
Date: 5th June 2020


In November 2019 the operational BUIP132 was approved. This BUIP requested $30,000 for expenditures necessary to continue with further outreach and marketing initiatives. Since then there have been a number of things that have happened within the ecosystem, a major one being that the BCH ecosystem has pushed for decentralised development and against the recent IFP debacle. It is important now that BU refocuses its efforts in being a leader within the space, and bringing Bitcoin to the world.


To continue with more outreach and marketing initiatives building on the results from BUIP132. BU is an important and valuable entity within the BCH ecosystem. Its consistent focus on bringing peer-to-peer electronic cash to as many people as possible has not wavered, and it is important that its efforts do not go to waste. By using resources to communicate BU’s core message and initiatives, not only to the BCH ecosystem but also to the wider cryptocurrency industry, BUs impact can be amplified. The goal of this BUIP is to expand the reach BU has within the wider Bitcoin industry and provide the quality branding that BU deserves to match its excellent work.


Budget: $30,000 over a six-month period commencing from the date of vote.

Commitment of funds will only be made for focused initiatives and costs directly incurred in ecosystem outreach, social media communication, video content, messaging, branding and other awareness strategies.

The elected BU officials: President, Secretary and Developer will jointly agree expenditures for outreach initiatives.


By better communicating the excellent work that BU does within the ecosystem through the use of visually rich, digestible and branded messaging, BU will become an even more capable leader for the BCH ecosystem. It will allow BU to communicate complex but crucial subjects more effectively while reaching a wider audience. This BUIP will encourage further engagement and participation of not only the BU membership but also the wider BCH community in BU, which will offer significant advantages over the long-term.

Deliverables from BUIP132

Social Media Account Management
Since the implementation of BUIP132 the Bitcoin Unlimited social media accounts have come alive. BU now has official Twitter, Read.cash, Reddit, Telegram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Youtube accounts.

Brand Refresh
BU now has a beautiful new brand that has been widely praised and gives it the professional image it deserves. This includes a new logo, color palette, design elements, and even a logo animation. Below you will find the official BU brand guidelines and logo animation.

Informational Video
This year a new video was produced to provide an introduction to what Bitcoin Unlimited is, what it does and why. This will allow people new to BU to get rapidly up to speed and hopefully get involved. This video can be found below.

A number of articles were released to communicate officially on behalf of BU. These can be found on Reddit and Read.cash.

Deliverables of BUIP148

Social Media Account Management
A continued active presence across multiple relevant social media platforms.

Video Content
Fortnightly pre-recorded and live-streamed videos including interviews, discussions and debates of BU leaders, members and guests. For a professional production quality a set of branded assets will be created including; an intro animation toolkit, outro animation, lower thirds animation toolkit.

Episode 1 has already been recorded with Andrea Suisani where Graphene and ultra-long transaction chains were discussed. Episode is planned for the coming weeks with Peter Rizun to discuss his new Cash Drive technology.

Written Content
Content written to communicate key messages from Bitcoin Unlimited to the wider community.
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Staff member
Aug 22, 2015
Good work on BUIP132, @singularity. As discussed, this BUIP will go forward to the next vote.


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
in posts such as 'Bitcoin Unlimited Response to the Claim that our organisation supports BSV'
from the "official" BU reddit account one reads:
It is true that some (a minority) of BU members are supporters of BitcoinSV, and this can cause some conflict. This is unfortunately one of the many negative artefacts from a split happening in a decentralised currency. Even so, the Bitcoin Unlimited organisation has remained not only focused and functional, but also strongly in support of Bitcoin Cash. In fact, the BU membership and the organisation’s governance model has shown time and time again that BU is fully in support of BCH - a peer to peer electronic cash system. The voting results from the relevant BUIPs support this fact. Below you will find the voting results for all BUIP related to the BCH/BSV issue, and you will see that at every opportunity BU as an organisation has voted in support of BCH.
the person behind that "official" account seems to think they are accountable to non-members and have to answer to them for the considered positions of an important part of the BU membership, with which they happen to disagree.

this is a mistake. the official account in under no obligation to justify the positions voted on or expressed by members to onlookers, newbs, disruptors or anybody else. it is accountable to members, not to non-members.

the spokesperson of the organization ought not to succomb to pressure applied by people on the internet -- in particular alt-coin mentality latecomers demanding fealty to a project in the vain hopes of establishing global adoption -- into disowning or disparaging the opinions and advice given by a sizable portion of the membership. the organization was set up the way it was precisely in order to foster a multiplicity of reasoned views. the expression of dissenting views is neither "unfortunate" nor "negative". thinking so is evidence of a fundamental mistrust in the way BU is structured.

that "(minority) of BU members [who] are supporters of BitcoinSV" were led to their views -- which are always subject to change in light of the evolving situation and are certainly not as naive as pledging or demanding allegiance to a single bitcoin variant -- by the same independent thinking and research that led them to participate in the founding of BU and for supporting the BCH fork in the first place. it is the positions expressed by these experienced people, carrying out their own due diligence, that BU officers should acknowledge and take into account, not that of external agitators. where disagreements persist, there should be discussion rather than disavowal.

it is to their own detriment that BU officers and spokepersons ignore or disavow the opinions of BU members whose judgment they have very good reasons to trust, and whose votes they subsequently ask for.


Active Member
Jun 5, 2017
in posts such as 'Bitcoin Unlimited Response to the Claim that our organisation supports BSV'
from the "official" BU reddit account one reads:

the person behind that "official" account seems to think they are accountable to non-members and have to answer to them for the considered positions of an important part of the BU membership, with which they happen to disagree.
This does not demonstrate that they feel they are accountable. This post states all factual information and is expressing BUs voted opinion. It is the job of media relations to convey BUs voted actions and stances to relevant parties (in this case, the general public) so that they (the general public) might understand the voted on position and views of BU.

this is a mistake. the official account in under no obligation to justify the positions voted on or expressed by members to onlookers, newbs, disruptors or anybody else. it is accountable to members, not to non-members.
This is justification in the same way that you use research data to support the conclusion of a scientific study, everything stated is a conclusion that can be drawn without a reasonable doubt from the direct result of voting.

not as naive as pledging or demanding allegiance to a single bitcoin variant
It has been stated multiple times not only by some officers but also other members that the support for BCH stems from their view that it is the best chance at achieving the BUs stated goal of global p2p electronic cash. Those same people (of which i am one of) have also expressed that if there ever were to become a different fork that were better suited than BCH for this gioal, then support would change to that fork.

In a single paragraph you have complained about officers not considering or dismissing the views of BSV supporters while simultaneously either not considering or dismissing the views of some of the officers and other BU memebers.


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
i would offer a rejoinder, but that would divert attention from the objective at hand, which is to help members decide how to vote on BUIP148.

allow me to note that "not as naive as pledging or demanding allegiance to a single bitcoin variant" intends to to refer to the views of people that the article 'Bitcoin Unlimited Response to the Claim that our organisation supports BSV' (also posted on read.cash) is responding to.
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Active Member
Jun 5, 2017